I look away and sink back against the pillows, staying silent as he applies another dressing with brisk efficiency. If he’s affected the same way that I am, he doesn’t show it. But when he stops as he’s packing the bandages away, I see that he’s looking at my undershirt. My nipples are hard and poking at the thin fabric.
“Thanks,” I croak out, wrapping my arms around my arms around myself. So freaking awkward.
He stands, hovering slightly. “Can I get you anything? Something to eat?”
“No. I’m good.” For the first time in days, I don’t feel like hunger is snapping at my heels. Maybe my body has finally realized that I’m not about to be starved again.
“Fine.” He folds the top of the bag over, closes it neatly, and then holds it in front of himself. “I’ll let you rest then.” He doesn’t move. And I don’t want him to.
“Jagger,” I blurt impulsively.
What are you doing?
“Yes?” His answer comes quickly.
“Would you lay here with me?”
“Just… Just until I fall asleep. I don’t want to be alone.” What I really want to say is,“I don’t want you to leave me right now.”
“Sure,” he draws out the word before going to turn out the light, then sitting on the edge of the bed and unlacing his boots. I scoot over a little, holding my breath as he kicks them off and sinks onto the mattress. “Like this?” He stretches out slowly as if he’s afraid of spooking me.
I lay on my back, looking up into the darkness. My lips curl into a smile. “Yes, like that.” I want him to hold me, but right now, it’s all I can do to keep breathing with him this close to me. Even though we’re not touching, I can feel him.
The silence seems like it’s weighted as I lie still and pray for sleep to take me. It doesn’t. Of course it doesn’t. How could I sleep when I can reach out and touch him…if I could just build up the courage?
He speaks. “We found him. Rack. The one who took you.” His voice feels like it comes out of nowhere. So do his words.
Air hisses past my lips. “The rogue alpha?” Every muscle in my body goes rigid with shock.
I curl onto my side, staring at him. I don’t know how to respond.
He rolls over to face me, his breath warm on my skin. “We’re going to get him, Sierra. I’m going to make him pay.”
A little noise bubbles up my throat that sounds like a whimper, and I hate it. I’ve shown too much weakness since I got here.
His hand moves up to cup my cheek. His eyes glitter in the darkness. When he speaks, my focus moves to his lips. “He thinks he can take what we have. That he can take you. He’s wrong.”
“Thank you,” I manage. “But…” A frown forms. “Does that mean you have to go back out to do it?” I don’t want that. I don’t want that at all.
“Kind of unavoidable, beautiful.” His thumb is tracing my cheekbone, and I love the way he calls me beautiful. “Unless he comes here. And I won’t allow that.”
I gnaw on my lip. “I don’t want anything to happen to you.”
“I told you, Sierra, you’re safe here. These people will embrace you whether I’m here or not.”
I shudder at that. He’s speaking as if he’s prepared for it. “That’s not what I mean. I’m afraid for you, Jagger.”
“Don’t be. I can take care of myself as well as you. It’s what I do.”
His words spark a memory of what Doctor Bea said before, how he’d do anything to protect his pack. It’s why I’m here, posing as his mate. Except it doesn’t feel like I’m posing anymore.
I lick my lips. “What happened earlier—”