An unexpected sound has us both twisting to look behind us.
A group of figures is taking shape on the horizon. As we watch, I begin to pick out individuals. A dozen of them…coming our way. Big. In their human form, we could take them on, but if they shift, we’re fucked.
A quick scout around has me trotting over to the rusted carcass of an old pickup abandoned a couple of hundred yards off the road. The smell of oil wafts from it, and I hope that it’ll be strong enough to mask us if the males pass too close to us.
Moving closer, I duck down and squeeze myself beneath the sagging chassis, front paws digging into the sand to tunnel under. Casey does the same, strong jaws pulling dry brush into the space around us to give some cover. I burrow down deep into the dry earth, the dirt dusting my pelt.
All too soon, the group pulls closer, and we’re able to make out their features and hear snatches of conversation.
“Sick of this, man. Why the fuck won’t he drop this shit already?”
A gruff voice replies, “What Rack wants, Rack gets. If we have to dig up this entire plateau before he’s happy, that’s what we’re gonna do.”
“I don’t like it. All this for one stupid bitch?” the first voice grumbles.
“Not just a bitch, asshole. She’s one of them.” It’s a new voice now.
One of them? What are they talking about?
“Screw that. Pussy is pussy. Unless hers is made of pure platinum, I don’t see why we have to waste so much time trying to hunt her down.”
“Because when he’s done, we get to have her.”
Guttural laughter accompanies the statement. I only realize that I’m growling when Casey shoves me with her snout. I shut my mouth. But I’m certain they’re talking about Sierra.
“I think we’d be better off just sticking to our original plan,” another one joins in. “There’s enough for all of us down in the Lakes.”
The Lakes?
“Calm down. We’ll get there. Rack won’t drop that just for one female,” the gruff one says. “We’ll take them on when he thinks the time is right. They have that place locked up tighter than a nun’s snatch.”
“Yeah. It’d be suicide to try to get in before we’re ready.”
“But worth it when we do.” It’s the gruff fucker again. He seems to be the leader of this particular group. But the real brains behind it all seems to be the male they’re calling Rack. “Got a full town over there. We could walk in and make ourselves at home. Live better than we ever could at Leadmills. Our place is a shit heap.”
“Sure, but not without a fight.”
“Which is why Rack is making sure we’re ready.”
My blood is running hot and cold as what they’re saying sinks in. I have no doubt in my mind that they’re talking about Steel Lakes and their plans to attack us. But revealing myself right now would be a complete waste of time, and I’d never get to warn the others.
The men continue to speak, their voices rising and falling in heated discussion as they air their grievances. I can feel my fury simmering beneath the surface, but I force myself to remain silent and still.
“If we go back to base now, he’s gonna be pissed as fuck,” the leader says. His boot scrapes in the dirt as he kicks at it. “We should probably hole up here. Go back down to Leadmills in the morning. Tell him we came up empty-handed.”
We’re stuck here for the night. There’s no way around it. My only consolation is that they haven’t picked up on us yet. I watch in frustration as the ragged group settles down, throwing idle banter about and generally wasting time.
And all the while, my head wants to explode. It’s all I can do to keep myself from throwing caution to the wind and rushing at them with fangs bared.
I don’t. I bide my time, waiting as the sun sinks and my taut muscles grow stiff, aching from the passing hours of inactivity. I’m not used to staying still for so long. By the time the sun begins to light the slate morning sky, I’m ready to erupt. It feels like another lifetime passes while I watch them rising, gathering their things, and setting off for the buildings in the distance.
I release a pent-up breath when they’re finally out of earshot.
As they disappear into the distance, I burrow out of my hiding place and stretch out my stiff legs. It’s not long before Casey does the same. I wouldn’t be surprised if she was planning to shift and discuss what just happened. We don’t have time for that now. Before she can stop me, I spin around, and then I run. Covering ground at a speed that has my fur flat against my skin, my ears pulled back.