Page 39 of Sinner's Salvation

Emotions and thoughts clash together, making me out to be a complete mess.

I hold in a breath when Cameron lowers his face, whispering, “I have you.”

That small assurance calms my frayed nerves. Eyes locked, he brushes his lips against mine in the softest kiss possible. A flutter erupts in my belly. Pulling back, he says my name in a low, almost reverent voice, leaving me lightheaded.

And then it’s done.

I said yes.

He said yes.

I am married.

We’re married.



After the ceremony, I exchange my wig and change into black jeans and a black blouse with a high neckline. Combing my fingers through my power wig, I slide the leather gloves up my hands and slip on my sunglasses. It’s time to go back to hiding behind my shield. I need it more than ever, especially after today’s event.

I don’t look behind me as I close the door to my sanctuary. There’s no point. With each step, I infuse steel up my spine while I cling to the knowledge that nothing will change.

Except my marital status.

And my address. There’s no way to win against my brain.

I could count on one hand the times I stepped outside my parents’ house to go into the garden or outside of the property. That was before my life turned upside down. Now, I am doing it for a second time.

Downstairs in the foyer, the staff smiles at me, offering encouraging nods. I feel like an animal at the zoo, mating while everyone watches.

My eyes land on Cameron. His jaw ticks, and nothing in his posture reveals he’s happy to see me. Well, the feeling is mutual.

I take one agonizing step after another, stopping one hand’s length before I reach him.

He leans into me, his breath fanning the untouched skin by the turtleneck, awakening goose bumps. “Are you ready to face the big, bad, dirty world?”

I whip my head around to my parents, hoping they heard the insensitive asshole they made me marry. But he plasters a smile on his face, and my parents smile back at him.

“Say goodbye. I have a lot to do today.”

Again, I look at my parents, and they encourage me with smiles. Did they become deaf overnight? I wave goodbye and catch my little sister looking down at me through the guardrail of the staircase. My chest caves in. I have never hated myself as much. Waving at her, I mouth I love you. Her little smile undoes me.

I follow Cameron outside, and after three steps, I come to an abrupt halt. My pulse spikes so fast in my neck that it might burst. He stops and turns to me.

Everything in me revolts and urges me to go back inside.

“If you follow that thought into action, I’m going to throw you over my shoulder.”

I freeze on the spot. His alternative would be one hundred percent worse.

“I . . . you . . .” I swallow through my stutter. He approaches me, and I flinch.

Sighing, his eyes turn softer on me. “I imagine this can’t be easy for you. But I’m in a hurry, so get the fuck in the car, please.”

There is nothing soft in him, and if I ever get past my fear of touch, I will slap him until my hands bleed. And that’s a promise.

Insufferable man.