Page 24 of Sinner's Salvation

“Stop patronizing me.”

He places his elbow on the table, disrespecting everyone around us with his blatant fuck you attitude. I wish I had that in me.

“So, what’s it like to be exempt from life?”

This man was placed in my life to make me lose my sanity.

I cut through my steak and grimace at him with bared teeth. He zeroes in on my lips and they tingle. I lick my lower lip on pure instinct and he straightens his tie, leaning back against his chair, guzzling his drink. I smile inwardly and tuck this information away. I may be socially impaired, but the same can’t be said about my intelligence.

He is silent during the main course, but if his eyes could talk, he would obliterate my father and his friends.

“Excuse me.” I head to the bathroom off the front entrance, locking myself inside. Staring at my reflection in the mirror, I touch my lips. I shake off the reminder of my reaction to Cameron’s fierce gaze.

When I turn around, I nearly bump into the blond woman I saw standing with Cameron’s group of friends.

“I’m so sorry,” she says in a soft voice.

I clam up.

She steps back, putting me at ease.

“I’m Aurora.”


“Beautiful name. Would you mind if I use it for the main character in my next book?”

“You’re a writer?”

She nods, and I say, “Only if I get a signed paperback.”


Aurora smiles, but it quickly disappears. Why? She is genuinely the first person I feel somewhat comfortable with.

“Cameron’s my brother. He’s not bad, he’s just...”

I lean in to find out more, but she doesn’t finish her sentence.

While I ponder what she isn’t saying, she continues. “I wish I could say you’ll get out of this, but you won’t. So, I wish you all the best and we’ll be neighbors. Don’t worry. I’ll have your back.”

More alarm bells ring as I exit the bathroom and return to my seat.

Through the dessert, I keep my head down and eat my assortment of fruit dipped in chocolate, indulging for once. I swallow the moan at the sweetness exploding on my tongue. Still, Cameron’s presence beside me makes me feel perfectly aware of him, disconcerting me.

After dessert, everyone stands up to mingle—the brunette wearing the sexy dress waves me over. I look to my left and right, but she keeps staring at me. I guess she’s used to getting her way.

I walk over to their group with a strength I didn’t think I possessed, emboldened by the fact that I don’t want to be seen as weak in front of my future husband. When I reach them, she says, “I’m Chiara. My condolences.”

“Cara mia,” the man next to her says affectionately and with a hint of warning. She grins at him, face radiating while he can’t keep his eyes off her. She pouts.

“Menace,” Cameron says to her.

“I’m not that bad.”

“I second that,” Aurora says, and Alessandra nods.

Cameron raises a brow. “Debatable.”