We shake hands, and Kieran and I walk to the cars.
“Sex is off the table, and you fucking know I need that.”
He squeezes my shoulder. “Cameron, you use sex to have control. But with the woman you love, sex is all about pleasure and bonding. I hope you get to experience that. You gotta work for it.”
“I’ve never had to and I don’t plan on starting now. With my luck, she’s probably ugly too.”
Kieran smirks. “I don’t want to spoil your surprise.”
“You haven’t seen her, have you?”
He laughs and gets in the car, making me itch to drive my car into his.
At the compound, Hayden and Cato greet me with stupid grins on their faces. They definitely heard about my arrangement with the freak coming to fruition. I’m going to have a wonderful marriage with my right hand.
I drag my chair from the table with more force than necessary and sit down.
Cato quirks an eyebrow. “Someone is bitter.”
The dam to my anger breaks free and I slam my fists on the table.
Kieran says, “Everything all right, princess?”
I flip him off and take a seat.
“You can’t fail this,” Hayden says.
“I feel like a whore, and you three are my pimps.”
“That has a ring to it,” Cato chuckles, and I glare at him.
It’s Hayden who says, “Come on, brother. The sex you’ve had should be enough for a lifetime. Give your dick a well-deserved break.”
“Funeral, you mean.”
They burst into laughter. Fuck them. What do they know?
It’s not that I think that marriage is the most overrated and worst investment possible. Putting your trust, your love, and your balls into one basket never ends well.
“I hope it’s worth it having me cranky as fuck forever.”
They share a wary look and nod at me.
Fuck me, this is how the ultimate bachelor gets brought to his knees—by the very family he swore allegiance to.
“When do I get to see my wonderful future wife?”
“Next week. The governor is planning a small gathering with his most trusted people. We’re invited.”
One week. One damn week. Not enough to come to terms with the tectonic shift of my life.
On the ride to the party, I fall asleep in the limo.
I awake to Alessandra, palming my forehead.
“He doesn’t have a fever; he’s just exhausted,” Hayden grumbles.