Page 9 of Sinner's Salvation

“You’re no better.”

“Yes, well, your time has come. Take it like a man.”

I curl my hands at my sides, sighing. “Kieran—”

“You’re not Silas, you were never like him. You will never be like him.” He raises his voice and Aiden’s eyes widen. After Kieran calms his little boy, he turns his angry stare at me as if it were my mistake.

“Are you done?”

“You’re stubborn as fuck.”

I stand up to leave when my sister runs down the stairs.

“I completely lost track of time.”

Kieran and I exchange a knowing look. Aurora always does that when writing. Leaving them to their own little perfect family, I return to my empty shell of a life. The difference is that mine will remain just like that, and I don’t mind.

Inside my home, I live with the ghosts of my parents. Dark memories haunt me, images I will never forget. The decor has remained the same for generations, timeless and elegant with antique furniture, priceless art, lavish carpets, dark green walls, and gold accents.

Marie, who has been our housekeeper for two decades, awaits me in the foyer.

“I’ll reheat your dinner.”

“Thank you.”

I eat in silence in the dining room while the grandfather clock ticks toward my doomsday. Soon, someone else will sit at this table, yet the ghosts will continue taunting me, laughing at my mistakes.

“I worry about you,” she says in a soft voice.

“I have a lot of work.”

“Yes, and when you don’t work, you still work.”

Dragging in a lungful of air, I put the fork on my plate, and she places a hand on my shoulder. “Cameron.”


“Young man. You will not forbid me to speak my mind.”

“Then do it already. I have a campaign to plan.”

“If you continue like this, you’ll end up a bitter old man.”

“Sounds peaceful to me.”

She sighs and leaves me to finish my dinner.

I’m fine.


Clouds laden with rain strain over August’s sky. Happy birthday to me.

I change into a hoodie and sweatpants to go for a run. I come to a stop at the top of the stairs. The women of my family are lined up in the foyer.

“Grumpy as ever.” Alessandra smiles and Chiara waves at me to come down.

Downstairs, they group-hug me, singing “Happy Birthday.” Aurora grins at me and says, “Love you, big brother.”