Page 83 of Sinner's Salvation

“I thought Alessandra was joking,” Chiara says.

Aurora lifts a brow. “When does Alessandra joke?”

“True. Look, she isn’t wearing gloves.”


Chiara waves her off. She’s the best at making me feel like I’m part of the group. I sway on my feet. “I’m still not comfortable touching anyone.”

“I haven’t showered anyway,” Chiara says.

Aurora shakes her head at her. “You’re one sappy woman when Cato is away.”

“I hate it when he’s not home.” Chiara sighs deeply.

“My husband isn’t next to me either. He’s at the compound 24/7,” Aurora replies.

“That makes it a bit better.”

Aiden fusses in Aurora’s arms, and she puts her little one down. He crawls to me and opens and closes his little fists.

“That’s his sign for ‘give me attention,’” Aurora says, looking at him with pure adoration.

“Men,” Chiara replies.

“Hey! He’s a baby.”

“He has a dick, and if he takes after his father...”

I can’t any longer. I burst into laughter. “I like you. I really do.”

I squat to him, and the room goes silent. “You are the sweetest boy I have ever seen.” I coo at him. Aiden grins and shows me an even bigger smile.

“So, can we now come over whenever we want?”

Aurora exhales loudly. “Chiara.”

“I’m curious and I’m moping. Plus, it’s not like Cam will be home any more than the others.”

“Yes, you can,” I tell her.

Chiara looks at Aurora knowingly. “See?”

Aurora says, “Sorry, her attitude is even worse when Cato’s away.”

But I don’t mind it at all. I excuse myself and go to the bathroom, smiling the entire time. It’s good to spend time with the girls. As I step out of the bathroom, panic erupts. Chiara and Aurora scramble to their feet, both freezing.

Chiara shouts, “No!”

My head snaps toward the upstairs railing. Celia is climbing precariously on top of it. “Mommy, look,” she says and jumps.

Chiara lets out a deafening sound of desperation. Without thinking, I react, catching Celia as she plummets down.

One moment, she’s smiling; the next she’s sobbing, clinging to me. I go from paralyzed with fear at the close call to shock that I am holding her to sheer relief. Chiara runs to us, tears running down her face.

“Thank you. Thank you so much.”

I hand her daughter to her. As she chastises Celia, she also holds her close, her hand caressing the little girl’s back in a soothing motion. Leia tugs at my hand, and with teary eyes, she looks up at me, needing comfort. Without another thought, I bend and pick her up. She cries as she wraps her little arms around my neck.