Page 29 of Sinner's Salvation

Charming people is an ability every leader should possess, even though it’s a tiny wheel in the complex mechanism of becoming a leader. If the people like you, you have more chances to succeed, plain and simple.

From studying law to speech classes, I had an entire rebuttal presentation ready. Knowing the ins and outs of human biology and psyche helps me prepare for this. The road to greatness is not for the lazy or those who complain. I’ve reached a level Bloom couldn’t even dream of.

I shut the screen with a smile on my face.

Challenge is what I was missing in my life. And now it is all around me.


It’s been a month of going through every lead on who was behind the attacks, and we have found nothing. We know the two dead associates were working with someone to overpower us. This phantom organization ignites an inferno of anger inside of me. How is this fucking possible? How could they fly under our radar? If this isn’t a lesson in humility, I don’t know what is.

We work around the clock. If I am not in my office, then I spend the rest of my nights in the compound, searching for a fucking lead.

I yank at my hair when my phone rings, and I see the governor calling.


“I get that you’re under stress.” Campbell doesn’t know shit. “But it’s been a month,” he continues.

Just to entertain him, or maybe I’m more volatile than I would like to accept, I say, “And?”

“And we have an agreement.”

Ah, his daughter. Violet, right? She’s so far down on my interest list she tips right into the “I don’t care” column. That’s what I keep telling myself anyway.

“Look, this is not the time. I haven’t forgotten.”

“I want to know your intentions before I give my interview at four announcing my campaign to run for the presidency.”

He hangs up. The threat snakes around my neck, and I slam my fists on the desk, thinking about how to do this with Violet. If she’s seen with me, it would put a lot of attention on her. I may be a dick, but I don’t want to endanger her because of my enemies. I call Campbell back.

“I know we have an agreement, but you either take this offer, or I don’t fucking care.”

Being a client of the Syndicate, he knows the type of man I am when I’m not playing the star politician of my generation. Yet, he still puts his daughter on a silver platter for a predator.

“I’m listening.”

“I’ll marry Violet next month and then move her in with me.”

Silence on the other line. I expected it.

“Wait? So soon? We can’t plan a wedding that fast.”

“I have a lot going on right now. Something small and just family.”


He must really be desperate to accept my offer. Whatever. After disconnecting the call, I realized I thought he would back off. Now what the fuck am I going to do with her?

I call Lauren into my office. “Get me a pair of wedding rings.”

“Any preferences?”

“Rings I could swallow and choke to death on.”

Her lips pull into a tight line, suppressing her amusement. “So dramatic.”

“Find yourself in the position of being forced to marry and let’s see how dramatic you’d be.”