Page 110 of Sinner's Salvation


“Oh, believe me, it’s quite refreshing.”

After the housekeeper brings us coffee, I dive right in. “It’s about Cameron.”

“I guessed. It’s written all over your face. Or maybe we women wear the same expression when we don’t know what to do with our men.”

I sigh, relieved. It’s so easy talking to her; out of the three women, she’s the closest to Cameron.

“He has a certain type,” I whisper.

She lifts the cup to her mouth, takes a sip and puts it down.

“And now you’re filled with doubt.”

“Can you blame me?”

I lean back. “I don’t even know what we are, what this is, except a deal. I am already so deep, and...”

“And he has his own issues.”

“No two people are more unfit for a marriage than we are.”

“What do you think of me and my husband?”

I feel my eyebrows draw together while she looks at me expectantly.

“You love each other. It’s like a bubble surrounding you.”

“My husband left me thinking he was dead, only to come back to get vengeance on me.”

I’m glad I’m sitting down.

“Not expecting that? We all had unique love stories. I thought my love would never break through to Hayden. His loss was soul-crushing. I didn’t know if my love would compensate for that. I’m also the daughter of the man responsible for...”

I place my palm on hers, ready to comfort her. She lifts her face, her features serene. “I healed. We healed. That happens when love is big enough, strong enough. You can’t do anything but stay and fight through the demons. Together, our loss is bearable.”

“You’re talking about love as if . . .”

“Cam is the most broken of them all, hiding behind that polished exterior. You can stay scared or you can show him that it doesn’t have to be this way with you.”

“He . . . what he expects, what he likes . . .in bed . . .”

She chuckles. “You might be surprised. Sex is adventurous. Meet him in the middle. It’s the best way.”

Leia rushes downstairs, puffing her chest in frustration.

Alessandra smiles at Leia, saying to her, “I’m proud of you for trying.”

Going into her room, I find a huge Lego castle, a princess and a prince separated by a witch and a dragon.

“The prince has to fight both the witch and the dragon. The princess will fight from the other side so they can beat them together, with teamwork,” Leia says.

“She likes that word,” Alessandra whispers to me.

I kneel on the carpet to play with her. Together, we slay the monsters who want to keep the princess and prince apart. Leia tells me the entire story of how they met, how love is something you earn, that grows when you come together through every struggle. I am flabbergasted. Either this girl has the sweetest, most fantastic imagination or she is very emotionally intelligent.

After I leave them, I go on to the next house.