Page 87 of Savage Temptation

“Jacksonville.” His voice was pained, as if he had figured it out and regretted bringing me here. “We can leave in about two hours.”

I felt relief flooding me as I heard his words, but at the same time, I knew that hiding wasn’t going to do me any good now. This wasn’t just going away, and Liam would for sure want to know what the hell happened.

Besides, I’d tried talking about what my father did to me, but the very few people I opened up to seemed to never believe me.

I sunk deeper into his hold, absorbing every ounce of his affection. I tried to control my emotions the best I could. Whatever medication he had given me brought me a peace and clarity that made me think clearer.

I could see that Liam had a million questions just swimming around in his mind, but he was holding them back for now.

“No. We should go.” I ended up saying, his expression cautious as he nodded and helped me out of my seat.

Once we were off the plane and in the car, Liam finally broke the silence.

“It’s clear that you’re not happy to be back home. I’m sorry. I thought that it would be a nice surprise. It’s been a couple of months since the last time you’ve been home. I just thought you could be homesick.” There was disappointment in his face, mixed with regret. He had no way of knowing that this place couldn’t feel further from home. New York had been a better home to me than Jacksonville ever was. But the thought behind his gesture was sweet, and I hadn’t acknowledged that.

Liam had shared his secrets with me, completely placing his life in my hands. There was no way he could be sure I wouldn’t go to the police with all the information he had given me. His life was literally on the line, and he still did it anyway.

He deserved to know, even if it hurt.

If, after all, Liam decided that I wasn’t suitable for him, then maybe it just wasn’t meant to be. A new flow of tears ran down my face at that thought, my mind racing with all the ways he would dump me.

Just take me back to New York first. Please.

“You shouldn’t be apologizing. How could you have known? It’s just… hard, having you here, seeing my ugly past.” My tears were free, falling without restraint.

“There’s absolutely nothing I can see here that will make me think less of you.” With the pad of his thumb, Liam wiped my tears away, lingering to caress my cheek in a comforting gesture that made my heart flutter.

His eyes bore into mine, stripping my soul to its bare bones, his eyes filled with tenderness and something I could only pray could be love. Liam reached down towards me and placed a slow and loving kiss on my lips, my heart warming and speeding up with just that kiss alone.

It was timed perfectly, because before he pulled back, the car was stopping right in front of my childhood house.

“Shall we?” Liam asked before helping me out of the car, his hand steadying me as my legs trembled in a new rush of panic. I didn’t miss him tucking a gun inside the back of his pants, even though he tried his best to conceal it. It was evident that my state had raised some of his red flags.

I latched onto his hand, trying to draw strength from the rock beside me.

Liam held his head up, his chest filled with the courage that I lacked, and before I knew it, we had climbed those steps and he was harshly knocking on the door.

I held my breath, hoping that my father was having one of his good days. Not that he treated me all that well on those days, but it wasn’t as bad.

My palms were clammy, and my heart slammed against my ribcage as if it were trying to escape my chest. Without hesitation, Liam knocked a second time, stronger than the first, my anxiety skyrocketing every time his knuckles hit that wooden panel.

Right as I was about to pull him away, relieved that Frank wasn’t home, my father opened the door and I was completely lost for words.

“Oh great, it’s you.” He grunted, his tone emphasizing the disappointment of seeing me standing at his doorstep. “What the hell are you doing back here? Fucked up that fancy job you got already? That must be some kind of record, even for a useless piece of shit like you.” He had turned inside, walking down the hall as he spoke, leaving the door open for us to follow at our own discretion.

Liam looked at me, his mouth slightly open in surprise from that warm welcome.

“No, I haven’t fucked it up. This is my boss, Liam Dornier. Liam, this is my father, Frank.” I replied in a shaky voice, following him into the kitchen with Liam tailing close behind me.

I dared a glance towards him, his face was a mask of darkness and high alert. Liam glanced around, studying his surroundings carefully but never losing sight of me.

“So tell me, to what do I owe the absolute pleasure of your visit?” My father asked, his tone dripping in unmasked sarcasm.

“We had a business meeting in LA, and Liam thought I could be missing home.” Those words tasted like acid even though I was merely stating facts.

“You shouldn’t have bothered.” His reply was directed at Liam, who had yet to say a single word. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t worried about what was going through his mind.

“I can see that.” Liam finally spoke, his words being spat with disdain in a low voice that didn’t hide his scorn. His hand came to rest on the small of my back, his figure towering over me in a protective stance.