Page 42 of Savage Temptation

“Please leave me alone,” I finally pleaded as I stood up.

“I’m not leaving, Jamie. I don’t think you should be alone right now.”

“I shouldn’t be with you right now,” I snapped, darting past him towards the entrance.

I held the front door open, a hand gesturing for him to leave, watching as Liam just stood there, taking in the mess that I was. The tears hadn’t relented, rendering my actions weaker than I’d wish them to be.

Liam slowly stalked towards the door, and I thought that at least he had the heart to do as I’d asked. But no.

He placed his hands on the door and closed it, turning the key to lock it as many times as it went. “I’m not leaving you. Go lie down, I’ll make you some tea and bring it to you.”

I closed my eyes tightly, tears still falling despite them being shut, my head shaking in a loop.

“I’d be much better alone right now than I am with you here. Please, just this once, do as I ask.” I tried my damnedest to hold back the tears and failed gloriously. I covered my face with my hands, the sobs returning without grace.

Why was he haunting me? Couldn’t he just leave me in my embarrassment alone? He had humiliated me enough already.

“Liam, please. I’m begging you… leave me alone,” I sobbed, my voice laced with an emotion I absolutely shouldn’t be feeling, “Today, tomorrow, and every day after that.”

“I am not going until you’re feeling better and until I’ve at least tried to explain myself.”

I huffed mid-sentence, turning towards my room, not finding the strength in me to carry on fighting him. I was drained.

There was no use in shutting my bedroom door, he’d either knock it down or convince me he would so that I’d open it. Or maybe I wanted it open.

Completely. Fucked. Up.

Climbing onto my bed, not bothering to pull back the covers, I curled into a ball, trying to imagine in what scenario what I walked into was okay.

Fuck, I was weak.

Soon enough, Liam was setting the cup of tea on my nightstand, taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

“This will soothe your stomach,” he stated, as if he knew anything. He didn’t understand that only an indiscernible part of me feeling sick could be healed with a cup of tea. What really needed mending sat further north, broken in more pieces than I cared to admit.

How could I like him so much? He was still practically a stranger, and yet that meant nothing against the heavy weight of these feelings.

I breathed into the pillow a couple of times, steadying myself and finally managing to stop the tears.

“I didn’t know she was there. I didn’t invite her over.” Liam’s voice was calm in comparison to the tempest in my mind.

“You don’t owe me any explanations,” I said in the flattest voice I could muster.

“Of course I do. Do you really think I would have someone waiting at my apartment, naked, when I was on my way there with you? How sick do you think I am?”

“And yet there she was. You just needed to secure a fuck buddy for the night.”

“That couldn’t be further from the truth.”

“It doesn’t matter. As you can see, I’m feeling better already. You can leave.” I lied, holding all my emotions back, hoping he would finally cave and leave me alone. Liam didn’t move a single inch.

“I keep a key at the office. That’s got to be how she got in.” He explained as if I’d asked the question plaguing my mind.

“I don’t care.” I lied.

“You clearly do, Jamie. And I’d seriously be disappointed if you didn’t.” What the hell did that mean? “But in reality you have no reason to be upset.”

“Oh, sure.” My voice was acidic, the perplexion from his statement unmasked, “You are absolutely right. I almost gave myself a reason, but technically, I don’t have one.” Tears burned my eyes again, but fuck if I was going to let him see me like that again.