Page 4 of Savage Temptation

“Don’t even think about missing our appointments. Otherwise don’t bother coming back.” My father barked at me as I was entering the elevator.

“I’m going for coffee, Dad. I’ll be back before your parade starts,” I bit back.

“Don’t make things difficult, Liam.”

“I wouldn't dream of it. It’s your company, after all. I’m just here thanks to parental obligation, right?” I let the doors close on that, not waiting for his response. There was no need to hear it, I already knew his speech by heart.

I gripped the metal bar behind me, trying to steady my breathing. My jaw pulsing rhythmically while my father’s distrust in his own son soared through my veins. It burned its way through me all over again, as if it was the first time I was experiencing his skepticism. It wasn’t, though, yet I couldn’t deny its sting even if I tried.

Half an hour.

Half a fucking hour was all I could set aside for a breather this morning, and even that was pushing it. These past couple of weeks had been a walk through Hell, and I needed fresh air before I did something I’d regret today.

I had my assistant, Michelle, push back all my appointments for the day except that one.

My father had blocked out half my morning and the entire fucking afternoon just to have the pleasure of my company while he picked and chose his version of a babysitter for his incapable son.

He didn’t trust me. He was too afraid I’d stain his perfect little enterprise with my “lifestyle,” as he called it.

To be fair, I could ruin it in under a minute, and that wouldn’t even be my best record. But I was not the stupid, selfish boy he thought I was.

All I ever wanted was to be a welcomed part of the company, not burn it to the ground! Show him that despite everything else, I was here to stay. More now than ever before.

So excuse me if I was more than fucking fuming by yet another display of his lack of faith in me.

I needed a drink. Yet, the convention says that I shouldn’t have a tumbler filled with malted gold at this time of the morning, nevermind the three or four it would take to start to ease me up. So I had to settle for a sloppy second – coffee.

The long line and indecisive patrons took the last ounce of my patience, making me run later than I had anticipated, adding more fuel to my burning temper.

I’d never hear the end of it if I decided to skip the meetings as I was tempted to do.

My mind got lost in that thought, playing out the war it would start with my father as I made my way back to AD.

We were holding on by a thread, our relationship had never been in the gutters as much as it was now.

I’d been going through some hard shit these past few weeks, and instead of cutting me some slack, he just tightened the noose on our already strangled connection.

I was deeply lost in thought, sinking deeper in the shadows that darkened my mood, when suddenly an angel ran straight into me, erasing those corrosive thoughts from my brain, even if for just a second. She stumbled back after impact, losing her fight against gravity.

I grabbed her, hooking my arm around her waist, raising her off the ground and off her feet. A vision of light and life was now held tightly against my chest as I prevented her from falling straight to the ground.

Her deep brown eyes stared intensely into mine, reaching my troubled soul and drenching me in a foreign peace I had never known.

I was paralyzed.

Trapped in a moment that I wanted to eternalize, captive by a beauty I had imprisoned within my arms. She clung to me as if her dear life depended on it, her eyes never leaving mine. She looked like a goddess, and for the first time, I mourned my hellbound soul.

Her nails were carved in my arms. The light sting surged as a pleasurable pain, submerging my brain in an image of lust. A vivid image of those same nails leaving red trails down my back as I made her mine. As I claimed her light and buried her in my darkness.

She was thinking the same depravities I was. I could see it in the way her eyes dipped from mine to my lips and back up again. If I squeezed her tighter she could feel each one of my thoughts hardening under my pants.

Her sweet scent hit my nose like a ton of bricks, pulling me deeper under her spell. Damn, she was so close I could almost taste her.

Her slightly ajar mouth was inviting me in with a silent plea for intrusion, and right then I felt the strangest urge to crush my lips to hers, taste her until her pouty mouth was bruised and swollen and molded to mine.

I almost did.

These thoughts are dangerous. Too dangerous. Stop it, Liam!