“Well, by now we’ve established that selfish fuck didn’t know what he was doing.” His lips are on my ear now, injecting his next words straight into my brain, while his fingers push them into my pussy, “but you must have tried with toys. I would kill to get the only front row seat to that show.”
I fall silent again, not quite ready to admit to anything that I know he’ll hang onto and taunt me with.
“Seriously?” He almost chuckles, but disbelief is clear in his undertone. “You’ve never tried it? Do you at least own one?”
My almost imperceptible gestured ‘no’ is enough of an answer.
"I can't say I'm surprised you never used a toy with Greg. It takes a self-assured man to truly distinguish enemies from allies and not be threatened by their power. That just makes my point. Selfish fuck.” James is out of bed before I can blink.
“Where are you going?”
“Get dressed. We’re starting your education today.”
“And you intend to go like that?” I point at his erection as I eye him over. It’s the first time I’ve seen him fully naked. His tattooed, bronze skin is perfect and smooth. A trail of dark hair leads the path to temptation, and it’s standing tall just for me. His muscles are tight and toned, the prominent v-line is enough for a visual orgasm.
He’s eye candy of the finest kind. If eye diabetes was a thing, you could catch it just by staring for too long.
“You can make it up to me later. Now get that sexy ass out of bed, Valentine.”
I’m holding something in my hand I never, in a million years, thought I would. I’m blushing and tingling between my legs as I twist it around, pretending to analyze the package when in reality I’m imagining how it would fit. Three different size butt plugs, with a tacky diamond on the flared bottom.
“Would you like to try that?” I can sense the arousal in James' deep-toned voice. He’s been lightly but suggestively touching me since we entered the sex shop. He’s pressed against me now, lips on my neck, delivering torturous pecks with a bit of tongue right below my ear. I can feel the whole length of his toned body fitting perfectly behind mine.
He’s allowing me to roam the place without pressure, letting me choose what catches my eye and interest. I give him a small smile and place the package back on the shelf. James snatches it right back. “No shaming, Rosy girl. We’re taking this.”
“Archer…” That was supposed to come out as a caveat, instead it was a breathy exclamation holding nothing but expectation. The truth, if we want to keep it simple.
“I can’t wait to fuck that perfect ass of yours, Valentine. Will you be a good girl and let me?” His hips are grinding into me, his semi-clear on my butt, while his earlier hard-on is even clearer in my mind.
Fuck me. Ass play has never featured in my fantasies, I’m not even sure Greg was into that. Now though, as it's less of a fantasy and more of an upcoming reality, I can’t help but feel the excitement straight on my clit.
James’ hand connects hard with my ass. The sting of his smack intensifies the flood in my panties, making me release a low gasp that neither my lips nor my shock could contain.
“You didn’t answer me, Rosy girl.”
“Yes, Daddy.”
“Mr. Archer.” A lady, probably in her late forties, calls from behind us. I bet she just saw the whole show. “So glad to see you here again. What can I help you with today?” I look at James in disbelief. This woman knows who he is!
“Good morning, Miss Angeline. We’re shopping for a beginner. Any good recommendations?” There’s no hesitation or shame in his voice, grandly contrasting with the blush I’ve been sporting since I realized where he was taking me. That just turned fifty shades darker.
“Apart from the normal, vibrators, dildos,” she replied while ushering us to follow her, “I would definitely get this. It will make your soul leave your body, honey.” She placed a box in my hand, with an image of a silicone, hand-sized red rose. It looks like a candle of some sort. “It doesn’t look like much, but it will have you screaming out for Jesus before you can say Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious. The rain will not stay in the plane, if you know what I mean.”
My reaction is to stare at nothing. I’m dumbfounded. James’s handsome face comes into focus, eyebrows raised in question. “I just… a Disney reference in a sex shop. Top of the list of things I thought I’d never get to experience.”
He snickers. “It’s a whole new world for you and me, Rose.” I have to snort out a laugh. James is back to educated shopper mode.
“Miss Angeline, the rose? Done. Can we get the ‘Discover gift box’ as well?”
“What’s that?” I whisper into James’ ear, pulling on his shirt like a little girl.
“It just has a little bit of everything in it. Oh, and Miss Angeline, whatever is missing, just throw it in there and put it on my tab.”
“You have a tab?”
“I like being prepared.” Images of other women being pleasured by his tongue, his cock, his smooth, pussy-teasing words, and these toys, flood my sight and make me feel uneasy. What did I expect? Chastity? Restraint? That’s not James Archer. But I damn well didn’t expect him to have a tab at a fucking sex shop.