Page 11 of Peppermint Passion

I don't want anyone looking at my girl.

Shelby laughs and shakes her head. “Thanks for the vote of confidence, although I doubt you're right. This is like a buffet of beautiful women, the shiny elite of New York City.”

“I don't lie,” I growl, needing her to believe me.

“Maybe not, but you're certainly stretching the truth. But I won’t hold it against you. It's not every day I get called beautiful.” She pats my chest as we enter the ballroom filled with tables set up for the five-course dinner.

“You should be.”

There’s an indecipherable expression on her pretty face, but I don't look away, intent on her seeing the seriousness in my gaze. I've been around a lot of pretty women in my life. Had gorgeous co-stars. Shared a magazine cover with a woman voted Sexiest Woman Alive. None of them hold a candle to Shelby.

She's perfect in my eyes, and I'm determined to make her believe that.

We find our table, my name on a folded white card, and sit down before the rest of the guests arrive to fill the empty seats. Shelby smiles at each new arrival. Some of them I know, like Patrick, but others I don't.

I keep my arm wrapped around the back of Shelby's chair, toying with the fall of curls draped over her shoulder. They're silky soft, and I catch the faintest smell of gingerbread again. Is it her shampoo?

Sighing at the hours ahead of us, I wish we were anywhere but here because I want to be alone with Shelby. Especially since our time is limited. I'm expected in Vancouver tomorrow night after MerryCon ends.

Before we met, I was excited for this opportunity. Something different from my holiday movies—a drama series with a recurring role that could become a show regular. Now, I'm wishing I had more time to spend with Shelby before racing off to another film set.

“How'd you two meet?” an older lady asks from across the table.

“Eli needed help making his mom a Christmas present.”

“Oh, that's so sweet. What'd you make her?”

“A wreath,” I say. “Although the true talent is Shelby.” She blushes at the compliment, and I grin at the adorable sight.

“I love it when couples support each other. There's nothing better than a partner who believes in you and hypes you up, right?” The woman directs her question to Shelby, and rather than denying our couplehood, she nods. Shooting my heartrate into outer space.

I want Shelby to be mine.

I don't know how it would work, but my mom was right. If I want it badly enough, I'll figure it out.

And I fucking crave Shelby.



The balcony is chilly when I step outside of the ballroom. Eli and I have been here for a few hours, enjoying a delicious dinner of salmon and asparagus, along with the richest dessert I've ever had—a dark chocolate mousse with strawberries.

Everyone was really nice, too.

Not what I expected from a charity gala filled with wealthy socialites and business scions. I thought for sure someone would be snobby about my off-the-rack dress. Guess there might be something to Eli’s warning about watching too many movies. Because nobody here acted like the stereotypical mean girl.

Eli is the only mystery.

I can't get a good read on him. My first impression was that he was a rude grump. Then he made his mom a Christmas gift, and he was really sweet with her this morning when I met her. There's the man who’s attracted to me based on our kisses and the way he keeps touching me tonight. But what does it all mean?

Who is the real Eli?

I told myself to enjoy a Christmas fling, but I've never been this intrigued by a man before or had a physical reaction as strong as what he elicits. It's like all those teen crush feelings I had back in the day have returned tenfold now that we're both adults, and he's only gotten hotter with age.

“What are you thinking about?” Strong arms circle my waist from behind as Eli presses a kiss to the crook of my neck. When he does stuff like this, I can't help but want to swoon into his arms and agree to let him have me however he wants me.

He's leaving tomorrow. The reminder sobers me. “Nothing much,” I lie. “Needed some fresh air. It’s a little crowded in there.”