“Dominant?” Her eyes widened in realization. “It’s dominant. A dominant estate!”
I slipped two fingers inside of her again, drilling into her at a quick pace. My palm was pressed against her clit, and I fluttered my fingers against her G-spot. “Exactly right,” I told her with my lips over her ears. Then I bit down on the sensitive spot where her neck met her shoulder.
Amanda squealed and peaked, collapsing against the wall and into my arms. My hold on her was the only thing keeping her from becoming a puddle on the linoleum. Waves of her orgasm made her convulse in my arms while she fell apart.
She stopped shaking, and I pulled my hand from between her legs. I sucked my fingers, cleaning her arousal from them. She watched me with satiated eyes, and her plump, pink lips looked so innocent slightly pursed like they were.
“Do you want to keep going?” I asked her, knowing before she even shook her head what her answer would be. “Do you want me to take you to bed?”
She nodded, nuzzling her face against my chest. The combative woman that hadn’t wanted my help in the first place was so gentle in my arms when she sighed. “Will you stay with me?”
“I’m not going anywhere.”
Chapter twenty-three
One word. That’s all the screen said, but it was the only word I needed to read. I had passed the test, and when I grabbed the envelope holding the paper I had to mail in for my official license, my hands were shaking.
“Thank you!” I squealed, and the woman handing me the envelope recoiled briefly before she grinned.
“Congratulations.” She smiled at me and then nodded towards the door. That was my signal to go.
I hurried to the car, pulling my phone out. When I tripped over the threshold that led to the sidewalk I dropped it, and it fell to the ground. I picked it up, sighing with relief when the screen wasn’t cracked.
The first person I thought to call was Mackenzie, and then Bryson, but they were both probably ankle deep in sand right now. I was surely the last person they wanted to hear from on their honeymoon. Instead, I scrolled through my contacts until I clicked on Ed’s name.
“Hey girl,” he said, answering on the second ring. He was out of breath, and I hoped more than anything it was because he was at the gym. I listened carefully for another voice I didn’t hear and let out the breath I held.
Then I squealed into the phone. “I passed my exam!”
“Oh sugar, I knew you would! I’m so proud of you!” He had always been the cheerleader of our group, and he was always willing to celebrate.
I bowed slightly in my seat as if he could see me. “Why thank you, thank you. I’m pretty proud of myself!” I giggled. “So I’m thinking celebratory drinks?”
Ed sucked his teeth, and a frown preemptively tugged at my cheeks. “I’d love to, but I’m finishing up a run, and I have plans tonight. Dinner and drinks on me this weekend?” It was impossible to say no to him, and his rain checks were always guaranteed to be a good time.
“Okay. Dinner and drinks this weekend it is.” I hid the disappointment in my voice better than I thought I would, and when he didn’t hesitate on the other end, I figured I had convinced him.
“It’s a date. Talk to you soon!” Ed kissed the air—his usual sign-off.
The phone disconnected before I had told him bye. I shouldn’t have been surprised he already had plans. He always did. Shrugging, I dialed my mom. She always answered, and she was more of a cheerleader than Ed was most days.
On the last ring she answered. “Hi, honey! What’s going on?”
“I passed!” I wasted no time providing her with the backstory she already knew. I had told her all week I couldn’t come over because I was studying for the exam. It was more surprising she hadn’t called me the minute she knew the test was over to ask how it went.
“Oh, I knew you would!” Then she mumbled something about grabbing her purse and locking the door, and I heard my dad in the background fumbling with the keys. “I’m so proud of you, Amanda. Can I call you tomorrow? Your dad and I were just heading out with the Andrews.”
Did everyone have plans tonight except for me? I sighed quietly. “Tomorrow is fine!” I said, sounding more excited than I felt.
I opened the wine first when I got home, preheating the oven. I had stopped at the store for chicken nuggets and Oreos, and I intended on eating them both until I was sick to my stomach. It seemed like the best celebration on a Wednesday night. Taking another gulp of the wine, I pulled out my phone.
ME:I passed.