Page 72 of Don't Stop

“You can say that again!” she chimed in before covering her mouth and laughing.

Amanda cradled the file in one arm, sticking her other hand out to Ronan. “It’s been a pleasure working with you,” she said professionally, and then she lowered her voice. She looked around the room as if to make sure it was just the four of us, and when she confirmed it was, she cleared her throat. “And thank you for protecting me while—” She paused, half shrugging and half nodding in my direction as if the action would complete the sentence for her.

“Now for that,” Ronan said, taking her hand, “the pleasure is all mine.” He looked at me from the corner of his eye when Amanda gasped.

She looked at us, first at Ronan and then at me, and when her eyes met mine, she was beaming. I could swear they sparkled, and I would’ve never said eyes did that before I found home in hers.

I grumbled, and he dropped her hand. Ronan knew exactly what kind of reaction that was going to get from me, and when he laughed, I rolled my eyes. “Watch yourself, Moretti,” I warned with a wink. I thought about the velvet box tucked in my drawer at the house.

Ronan clapped me on the shoulder, and I released a less than frustrated breath. “Hey, don’t get after me. I’m just saying. You’ve got a good one,” he said. “Don’t let her get away.”

Amanda curtsied slightly before nudging me in the side with her elbow. I looked at the bare finger on her left hand before I smirked. “I don’t plan to.”

Chapter forty-seven


“Do we have to go?” I whined. I planted a kiss to his neck, unbuttoning the top button he had just fastened.

He groaned, grabbing my hips and reluctantly pulling me off of him. “Yes, we do. It’s the grand opening. They invited us.” Drake kissed my cheek. “It’s the least we can do.”

I pouted. “They’ll understand if we’re late.” I fluttered my lashes at him in hopes of changing his mind, and when he clenched his jaw, I thought I had succeeded. “Just give me fifteen minutes.” I moved my fingers to the buckle on his belt, but he grabbed my wrist, stopping me.

“No.” His face was stern, but his eyes still darkened. “You know there’s nothing I’d like to do more than spend the entire day in this bedroom with you, but tonight I’m taking you to dinner. I promise to make it up to you.”

“You better.” I wiggled my eyebrows. Drake had moved in a month ago, and in that time it had become a challenge to get us out of the house. I wanted to spend every waking moment with him, and every day that passed made that feeling grow more intense.

I took another look at my outfit, smoothing my hands over the black dress that hugged my curves. My hand hovered over my abdomen, and my heart skipped a beat. When I tossed my curls over my shoulder, I caught Drake staring at me in the mirror. I blushed when he gave me a slow once-over.

“Are you sure you don’t want to stay home?” I asked, locking eyes with him in the reflection.

Drake stood up, crossing the room and looping his arm around my waist. He kissed the side of my neck and then my cheek, and when I hummed, he chuckled. “I’m absolutely positive,” he said quietly against my ear. A shiver ran down my spine, ending between my legs. Not fair.

I grumbled. “Fine,” I whined, drawing the word out.

He smacked my ass, stepping away and heading for the door. “I promise you’ll have a good time. Now let’s go.”

When we got to Chinos, we were seated near the back. There was a crowd, and the mixed murmur of conversations bounced off the exposed brick walls. The whole place smelled strongly of sweet pizza sauce and the dough baking in the oven. It was hard to believe this was the same building we had closed on less than a month ago. When the Moretti brothers said they work fast, they meant it.

“It looks so good in here!” I said, taking in the exposed wood beams along the ceiling and the wood floors that looked like they may be the original ones we pointed out during the tour. “Almost nothing like the building we saw!”

“Thank you.” Ronan stealthily stepped up behind Drake, clapping him on the shoulder. “I’m so glad the two of you could make it!”

“We wouldn’t have missed it.” Drake stood up, shaking his hand. “She’s right. It looks really great.”

“Her vision.” Ronan winked. “We couldn’t have done any of it without you. Please, my friends, enjoy your meal. We’ll chat soon.”

He walked away, and before long we were brought a large pizza covered with pepperoni and colorful veggies. My mouth watered, and I was suddenly famished. Drake served a slice for both of us, laughing when I shoved a pepperoni in my mouth, gasping to cool it down when it was too hot.

“Oh my god, this is so good,” I moaned. I didn’t care how hot the pizza was, and I picked another pepperoni and stuffed it into my mouth, ignoring the way it burned my tongue.

Drake lifted his brow, smirking at me and waiting for his own slice to cool. He seemed more amused by the way I was devouring my meal than he was interested in eating his own. “You’re really going to just let it burn you?” He laughed.

I nodded. “Worth it. This is the best pizza I’ve ever had.”

We ate, and I moaned dramatically every other bite, giggling when Drake got frustrated. “You are determined to get me to carry you out of here and take you home, aren’t you?”

“Maybe,” I shrugged. When I leaned over the table, showing him the cleavage spilling from my bra more than usual, his eyes widened. I took a deep breath so my chest heaved. “Is it working?” I already knew the answer.