Page 58 of Don't Stop

“Then you’re going to have to do it yourself.”

My brother didn’t even look at me when I walked away, slamming his office door behind me. I grumbled, fearfully storming my way to the back door. What was I going to do? I didn’t know the first thing about getting somebody out of jail.

“Amanda, wait!” Mackenzie slipped out of the office and hurried to me. When she put her hand on my shoulder, I stopped and turned around. Her face was decorated with the same concern she had earlier, mixed with an apology she didn’t owe me.

I sniffled. “Mack, why is he being like this? You were there. You saw what happened. Drake doesn’t belong in a jail cell.”

She nodded. “I know, and I think Brys does too. It’s the shock. I’ll talk to him.” Mackenzie pulled me to her for a hug. Her hold on me was tight, like she was scared to let go. “Go get your man out of jail,” she whispered.

Your man.

Chapter thirty-six


I dropped into the cold metal chair, wishing I was back in the holding cell, when my lawyer frowned sympathetically. Elliott Black was the best in the business. That was why I called him, and if he was looking at me like my dog just died, it wasn’t good.

“I’ve got good news and bad news,” he said, folding his fingers together and resting his hands on the table in front of him. I rolled my eyes. I didn’t have the time for this. “The good news is I got you an extra phone call.”

I furrowed my brow. “That’s the good news?” I groaned.

“Well, yes.” His sympathy returned, and the half smile he’d had on his face fell. “The bad news is you could be here a while. They’re holding to their decision. No bail. There was nothing I could do. I’m sorry.”

I smacked the table. “Fuck!”

“I know it’s not ideal,” he said, holding his hands out palms up like you would if you were calming a child. “I guess this Dallas guy has a lot of connections. He may have been the wrong person to piss off.”

Grumbling, I rested my forehead against my hand and closed my eyes. “This is bullshit. That asshole slapped Amanda around and thought he was just going to get with it.” I grunted, lifting my head and closing my hand in a fist. “And he is!”

I pounded my fist down on the table, causing Elliott to jump. “It wasn’t reported. She can report it now, but that isn’t going to get you out of here.”

“She didn’t report it because it was taken care of.” My voice was harsher than intended, and I paused, sucking in a deep breath and holding it. I counted to five and let it out slowly. “I don’t want to put her through that, Elliott.”

He shrugged. “It’s up to her. Again, I can’t guarantee it would help.” He sighed. “There’s a video, Drake. It shows the whole attack. That’s hard evidence to bypass, even if she tells her side. It’s not self-defense when you drive to his house after the fact.”

He was right, and I knew that, but that night I didn’t care. I saw Amanda in pain, and I acted on it. If it weren’t for her shriek when she fell to the ground, I would have been in here on murder charges and not assault.

“So… what?” I asked, throwing my hands up in half defeat.

Elliott sighed. “I may be able to get you a deal.”

“I don’t want a deal. I want off.” When he tilted his head and scoffed, I knew my complaint was falling on the wrong ears. He was going to do everything he could to get me out of here, but it wouldn’t be enough.

Elliott nodded. “I know,” he said, looking behind him to make sure nobody was there. “You know who to call.”


The phone rang twice, and I hoped he would answer. When the line clicked on the third ring, I felt relief. “Yeah?” he answered gruffly.

“Ronan, it’s Drake,” I said, pausing briefly. “I need your help. I’m in jail.”

“Fuck,” he exhaled. “What’d you do?”

I knew the line would be a recorded one, and anything I said on this call could be used against me. I groaned. “It’s… a long story. Listen, I need you to check on Amanda and make sure she’s okay. I… she was there when they arrested me. She’s going to be panicking.” I paused, thinking about the way she begged the officers to let me go. “They’re holding me without bail.”

“Fuck,” he said again, dragging the word out longer this time. “That’s rough. Of course I’ll check on your girl.”

“Ronan, I need you to keep an eye on her. I don’t trust Dallas at all.” I imagined him showing up at her house when she was home alone, and my stomach sank.