Page 51 of Don't Stop

She grinned. “Deal.”


“What are you doing here?” Bryson asked, sliding a beer across the counter to the drunk man next to me that didn’t look like he needed another. He rested his arms on the counter and laughed. “Not that I’m not happy to see you,” he added.

“Uh-huh. I came to catch up.” I shrugged. He lifted a brow, not unaware of the fact I’d never come by just because.

He clenched his jaw, biting back his nerves. “What’s wrong? Is everything okay with Amanda?”

I ignored the way my stomach flipped and the rush of nerves that flooded me at the mention of her name. He had asked me not to sleep with her, and I did it anyway. I did a lot more than that. I couldn’t possibly look him in the eye and tell him that in the few weeks since he’d gotten married, I not only fucked her, but I also fell for her.

“She’s great,” I said instead. “She’s impressed our pickiest client, and now they have her on speed dial. They’re tough to work with, but they bring in a ton of money. She’s going to be set as long as they need more properties.” I tried to look casual, like I wasn’t proud beyond belief of the woman.

Bryson still looked skeptical. “Tough to work with?” I should’ve known better than to mention that. “Are they safe?”

I laughed, smacking my hand against the counter. “They are as long as you’re on their good side!” He didn’t laugh with me, narrowing his eyes instead. “Don’t worry about Amanda. She can hold her own, and if something comes up, I’ve got her back.” No matter what.

Bryson didn’t look amused, not that I could blame him for that. He looked ready to blow a fuse, but then his shoulders relaxed. “I’m really glad about that, man,” he said. “It’s comforting to know you’re looking out for her.”

I considered telling him that it was more than that—that she was the only thing I seemed to think about these days. He wouldn’t like it, though. What would Amanda say if I told him? I could practically hear the panic she’d have in her voice when she found out. It would have to wait. I’d need to talk to her first, but I wasn’t going to hide that she was mine.

“Look,” Bryson said, and my heart paused a second too long between beats, “I really appreciate you keeping an eye on my sister. I’ve got to get back to work before these yahoos lose control of the Friday crowd. Let me take you to dinner tomorrow as a thank-you. Nowhere fancy.” I scoffed at the disclaimer. He knew I wouldn’t want to go if it were anything more than a casual bar and grill.

“Can’t, sorry.” I started to stand up. He was right that the Friday crowd was wilder than it usually was—people lined the bar waving for attention they hoped to get so they could order their next overpriced drink.

Bryson cocked his head. “Why not? You have a date or something?” He laughed as if he’d told the funniest joke he’d heard all week. It wouldn’t normally be wrong—I wasn’t the type to date. I usually had better things to do.

“Actually, yeah. I’ll tell you all about her later.” I started to back away, turning and slipping between a small flood of people that rushed the empty stool.

“You would just drop a bomb like that and leave!” Bryson shouted. “You better fill me in later!”

I waved over my shoulder. He had no idea how much of a bomb it would be.

Chapter thirty-two


“I am dying to hear all about your honeymoon!” I squealed when we finally had our first drinks. “I want all the details.”

Mackenzie grinned, her sun-kissed face sparkling when she gazed off into space. “It was amazing! We barely left the room. There was this jacuzzi tub, and on the first day we—”

“Okay, woah.” I put up my hand to stop her. “I do not want to hear about how good my brother fucked you for three weeks. I thought you were going to tell me how amazing the beach was!”

“Well, that too.” She put her hand over her mouth and giggled, and I couldn’t help but join her. “Okay, fine, let’s talk about your new job then!”

I took a gulp of my wine, squirming in my chair with excitement. I had been dying to tell my best friend everything, but before I could, she scowled over my shoulder. “What’s wrong?” I asked her.

“Hey, Amanda.” At the sound of his voice, my blood ran cold, and I spun around.

“What are you doing here?” I asked him, suddenly wishing we had chosen to go to Pour Decisions after all.

He put his hand on the back of my chair and leaned in. “I’m just having a drink.” Dallas waved around the bar as if the answer to my question was obvious. “I’m surprised to see you’re here without your new boyfriend. You moved on so quick. Were you just desperate?”

“I didn’t have to try very hard to move on,” I snapped. Mackenzie looked at me funny, obvious surprise tainting her features. I sighed. “What do you want, Dallas?”

“I am just surprised your little guard dog lets you out on your own. After his little threats last week, especially.” Dallas looked annoyed.

I furrowed my brow, confused. “What little threats? He’s not my guard dog, and it’s none of your business. I’m done talking to you.”