Horus walked by me and out of his office, already on his way to deal with whatever a code brown was. I had no idea, and no real desire to find out either.

I pulled out my phone and fired off a couple of messages to caterers I'd worked with in the past, hoping one of them would have space for an event in a couple of days. I'd thought all of this was sorted after my last conversation with Horus, but it seemed I was mistaken. I really should have known better.

If none of them came back to me, I'd have to figure out something. There had to be some kind of favour I could pull in that would get us the food and drink needed, it was just a question of with whom.



* * *

I rang the buzzer for the office of The Aphrodisia Foundation and waited.

The intercom crackled. "Hello?"

The voice seemed vaguely familiar, but I couldn't place it. "Hi, I'm here from Jinx, I've got a meeting?"

"Oh, great. Come right up, second floor, third office on the left," the woman answered.

The intercom buzzed again and I stepped through the automatic door and into the building. It was fancy, but it was also clear that it was home to several small businesses, with the personalisation only seeming to come inside the specific offices.

It only made me more intrigued about who my bosses had sent me to meet.

I came to a stop outside the third office on the second floor, tapping a couple of times on the glass window.

"Come in." The voice was even more familiar now there wasn't an intercom buzzing through.

I didn't waste any time in entering the office, stopping in my tracks as I noticed the beautiful blonde woman in a form-grey dress sitting at the desk.

She looked up, and a surprised expression crossed over her face. "Damien, right?"

"Aphrodite, right?" I echoed.

She chuckled. "Glad to see I could make an impression. Please, sit." She gestured to the chair on the other side of her desk. "I must admit, it didn't cross my mind that Aine might send you when she told me one of her Events Managers was on their way."

"She didn't mention that I was meeting you at all," I admitted.

"Disappointing, you'd have thought that would be the first thing she'd make sure you knew before walking through the door," she said. "Would you like a drink? Coffee? Tea? I'm not sure if we have anything stronger."

"I don't think stronger is wise while I'm at work."

"You drank the other night, didn't you?"

"It was lemonade."

"Ah, that explains it. I'm not sure we have any of that either." She frowned, as if trying to think about what was in the fridge.

"A latte is good."

She nodded and picked up the phone on her desk. "All right, that'll be with us in a moment. It's only from the Coffee Temple down the road."

"I know the place, but I've never actually been."

"Maybe that's where we should go for coffee to talk about gods." Her lips quirked up into a smile.

"Is gossiping so close to work really wise?"

"Maybe not," she agreed. "And I have better coffee at home anyway." She leaned back in her chair.