“Any sign of Saffron?” Creer had delivered the news upon Warren’s return from hospital. God knows what had gone wrong between the two of them. He had been apoplectic with rage at first…
And then he had been shown the recording of Graves and Kate in bed.
“Saffron left through the woods, according to the security cameras. There are signs of a car being parked in the lay-by to the east of the house, so presumably she was picked up by someone.” With a long sigh, Brax held the door open for him. “I can’t hold your family off forever. Go and see them. Let them see that you’re okay. And then go and see Kate.”
Silenced reigned for a long moment, until Warren made up his mind. “Let the rest of the guards have their fun with Graves. Creer especially.” Creer’s daughter had been violated by Graves, the poor thing. “Give them free reign, but tell them to keep him alive as long as possible. He’s not allowed a quick death.”
He slunk from the room without a second glance, opting to take the lift directly up to the bedroom corridor. Even that stole his breath from his lungs, his hand never leaving the painful incision screaming at him every step of the way.
It was with trepidation, therefore, that he unlocked his bedroom door.
“Oh thank god!” Kate’s gasp came. She had been perched on the armchair overlooking the garden window, but scrambled across the room. Twenty-four hours ago, her bloodshot eyes would have had him pulling her into his arms.
Now he just stood there, with the image of Graves fucking her burnt into his brain.
Kate clasped his cheeks, an odd softness to her gaze. His skin inwardly recoiled at her touch—at the fact that she had given a monster like Graves her virginity. “Brax said you’d left the hospital. Are you feeling okay? Come and sit down. You’re as white as a sheet.”
Watching her every move, he allowed himself to be led over to the couch.
“I should scold you for leaving the hospital without me.” A smile played about her lips as she fussed over him. “I’m glad you’re here.Finally.”
Are you?
“I’ve been busy,” he replied.
The smile died a little. “I can imagine.”
“What have you been imagining?”
“I don’t know. Something abstract and awful and bloody. After seeing what you’ve done to my father, I prefer not to think about it too much. After everything Saf…” Kate’s voice suddenly dwindled down to nothing. When she picked up again, her tone was despondent. “I caught Saffron stealing your things this morning.”
“Brax told me.” The watches were no matter. They could be replaced.
“She’s the one who poisoned you,” she said tearfully, her hand seeking out his in search of comfort. He let her take it, wanting to hear her speak, wanting to find any discrepancies he could. Instead, she simply shuffled closer to him, sighing into his neck. “She nearly killed you.”
Kate smelled awful. Despite the hours that had passed since the pepper spray, there remained an acrid tinge to her scent.
Even so, the idiotic part of his brain wanted to give in and hold her.
The other half wanted to wrap his hand around her throat and never let go.
“Why did she pepper spray you?” he asked, trying to occupy his thoughts with something slightly less murderous.
“I may have been about to throttle her.”
He snorted sarcastically. “Our minds work in much the same way, I see.”
“Actually…” Her touch left him. Kate padded over to his bedside table, picking something up and concealing it in her hands. “There is something I need to tell you.”
Warren sat up straight. Now that she was utterly cornered, was she going to confess to having a relationship with Graves? He’d expected her to flatly deny it. “What is it?”
She held out a thin white device with that crooked, excitable grin he had loved so much. “I’m pregnant.”
All thought vanished. His entire world shrunk to him and Kate, both of them glued to what he now recognised as a pregnancy test.
Apositivepregnancy test.
Warren choked in a breath; a storm rose within him, annihilating his plans for Kate after today’srevelations. His eyes could do nothing but rest on Kate’s stomach. “You’re having ababy?” he asked incredulously.