Having Akim next to me again is incredible too, though I’m so nervous to tell him about the baby.

Then I see Regan in the back seat, and my stomach drops.

“Regan?Why do you have Regan here? Why is she tied up?” I gasp, panic pumping fresh adrenaline into my body.

Akim gives Regan a look of contempt. “Why don’t you tell her, Regan?” he says, his voice gravelly and coarse in contrast to how sweet and loving he had been just moments ago.

Regan refuses to look at me. Instead, she gazes out the window, refusing to make eye contact.

My throat tightens.What is going on?

“Regan gave Luka the information that he needed to falsify documents about you,” Akim says dryly. “Without her, his plan would never have worked.”

My heart drops into my stomach, and my face turns pure white. How could Regan do something like this? I had no idea she was even talking to Luka. I knew she was seeing some new guy, but... how could she give me up like that?

Did she know what he was going to do to me?

I don’t even give her time to explain. I grab her face and turn it toward me so hard that she lets out a yelp. “Fuck you, Regan,” I growl, slapping her as hard as I can and watching the red mark take over the entire left side of her face.

Regan doesn’t even try to defend herself.

“I wanted to see what you think is fair for her,” Akim says. “I was tempted to give her an early funeral.”

I hate to even think about hurting Regan, someone I thought was my best friend for most of my life. But I know she’s always resented me for one reason or another, like she could never live with herself if she didn’t hate me for some reason. It had become a part of who she was, my two-faced best friend who refused to be happy for me.

She deliberately allows herself to develop anger and jealousy towards me even over things that are completely within her control. She’s always felt a weird entitlement to her anger, like she’s the only person who is allowed to feel fucked over by life.

She could never life a day in my life, and I bet that realization would bring her to her knees. In a way, I’m doing her a favor by allowing her to live with her delusions about me.

“Push her out of the car, Rurik,” I say, feeling the anger boiling to the surface of my skin.

Regan bursts into tears, screaming and crying that she hadn’t done anything wrong, Luka was the one I should hate, not her.

That she was just a pawn.

That it wasn’t her fault.

There isn’t enough oxygen in the world for her to give me an excuse that I’ll entertain. The worst part is that I know Akim isn’t lying. The guilt is written all over Regan’s face. She’s a petty, vindictive, small person who needs to be the center of attention at all times, no matter who she steps on.

Rurik grabs her by the shoulder, looking toward me for permission to toss her.

I look toward Akim, and he nods.

“Delilah!” Regan shouts, tears streaming down her face. “You can’t do this to me. The police will throw you in jail. You’ll rot there.”

I’m cold and hollow inside, save for the warmth I have for Akim and our baby. Regan will get no empathy from me because I simply have nothing left to give.

I take a deep breath, letting it out slowly. “Do it, Rurik,” I command.

Regan screams louder than I’ve ever heard as Rurik opens the side door of the SUV, pushing her out with her hands bound by duct tape.

I turn around, watching her body bounce on the empty road as the sun slowly comes up behind her.



“Hey, how did you sleep? I tried not to wake you up when I got out of bed. I hope I didn’t,” Akim says, tossing a few pancakes onto a plate as I sit down.