“Yeah, of course. Fuck! I can probably still see his location in real-time if he hasn’t figured it out already,” he says, pulling out his own phone and bringing up Luka’s phone info.

“Shit, it looks like he’s out in the middle of the country. Do you think he has another operation out there?” he asks, bewildered. “I know he isn’t smart enough to have that many backup plans. I’ve spoken to him myself. He’s just a bored rich guy.”

I scan the map that Rurik has pulled up on his phone, tracking Luka’s every move.

“There’s an airstrip near there. He’s probably still en route. If we get out of here now, we might be able to catch him. Let’s go,” I command, leading my fleet back through the house.

Even though Luka isn’t here, I know that it’s imperative that we try not to get caught. We might not have to worry about Luka’s men gunning us down, at least for now, but there’s an entire community of grossly over-vigilant rich people who would have the feds here in minutes if they saw what we were doing.

As soon as we’re in the clear, we speed away toward the airstrip with an ETA of 4:37 AM.

It takes everything in me not to panic on the way to the airstrip. People keep asking me questions, necessary questions at that, and every single time I almost fly into a psychotic rage. I need to think fully and clearly about how we’re going to get through this, or I’ll lose Delilah forever. If I can’t pull this off, she’ll spend the rest of her life as a slave.

“Have you lost the signal to his phone yet?” I ask Rurik, who has been watching Luka’s phone signal on a minute-by-minute basis to make sure he doesn’t shut it off.

“No, not yet. He’s still at the airstrip, and if he hasn’t already figured out that we’re triangulating his signal, he isn’t going to. So that’s good,” he replies, showing me Luka’s location live from the strip.

Okay, at least we’ve got him where we need him.

“Do you think he’d realistically be able to get a plane out at this time of night?” Shura asks, sounding doubtful.

“You wouldn’t think so, but he’s extremely well-connected, and his family has an empire to protect. Even if he wasn’t able to secure a plane, I’m certain his father would do it for him somehow. Luka fucking up is a liability to everybody in his family, not just him,” I reply, remembering exactly how extensively Luka’s family has infiltrated the streets of the city.

“Do you think there are any people with influence who would be helping him escape? Someone who would be negatively associated with Luka’s trafficking ring?” Rurik asks.

“Possibly, I know that his father has a lot of close ties with state politicians. It’s entirely possible that one of them would help fly him out of the country if it could keep them from being incriminated with him. So, that’s something we’re up against as well,” I reply.

Rurik sits back and sighs heavily.

The drive to the airstrip feels like it takes forever, and once everybody has gotten the impression that I don’t feel like being fucked with, they remain silent for the duration of the journey.

When we pull up to the general location of the airstrip, it’s still pitch-black outside, but I realize that we have just a little over an hour before the sun will start to come up, blowing our cover in the otherwise flat terrain.

“You need to try to drive through here with your lights off. I know it’s dangerous, but if Luka’s men spot our lights, they could fire on us from the strip and still hit us,” I say to the driver.

“Should I relay that to everybody else?” Rurik asks, and I look back at him and nod.

The driver glances at me nervously, but he knows that I would never put him or anyone else in unnecessary danger. I trust that he’ll be able to pull it off. I wouldn’t have hired him if I doubted that.

Within two minutes, I watch the lights in every vehicle behind us turn off. We begin to crawl forward with about an SUV’s worth of space between each vehicle.

When we get close enough, I can see Luka waiting by the strip with a few large men as well as a mess of women. When I realize that I can see Delilah standing among them, my heart leaps out of my chest. I want to jump out of the SUV and run towards her, sheltering her from everyone else. I would kill anybody who stood in my way.

“That’s him,” Regan whispers, more to herself than anyone.

I’d forgotten all about her, and quite frankly, I’d forgotten that she was involved with Luka at all. She likely feels betrayed by him, watching him preparing to leave the country without her. To make matters worse, he’s got tons of other women with him, including the woman that she gave up to him herself.

I don’t look at her, but I can hear her trying not to break down and cry as she gazes out at him. She must feel so fucking stupid right now, and the selfish part of me wants her to feel that way forever. I hate her for what she did to Delilah, and her loneliness isn’t an excuse. But now, she’s given herself the chance to make things right.

“When are we supposed to apprehend him?” Shura asks, visually sizing up Luka’s men from a distance.

“Soon. We’re going to ambush them. I want everybody to start making their way over to the strip, weapons drawn,” I reply.

“Who’s going to take Luka out?” he asks.

I glance back at him.
