After some hesitation, we’re able to pull additional details from her. The threat of death does wonders for motivation, and Regan can hardly keep her mouth shut about all the juicy details.

Apparently, Luka’s primary clientele are locals who live in the rich neighborhood that his own place blends into so well. Because of this, there’s a possibility that there will be vehicles around the perimeter of the building that have cameras built into the dashboard for anti-theft purposes.

There’s always been heavy speculation about the people in that neighborhood, and their propensity towards arming their homes and keeping secrets has done nothing to change that opinion about them. On the outside, they’re all just normal, spoiled rich people with a bad habit of placing themselves first in everyone else’s world. They believe that everyone is out to get them whether they have a reason to or not.

Someone will definitely be watching us, even this late at night.

We have to break in from behind, away from the road.

The drive to the estate is nerve-racking. There’s still a part of me that hopes that Luka will just give in to our demands for the sake of Regan, but that possibility dwindles as time goes on. He’s a selfish bastard, but I never knew he’d be capable of throwing away his own lover like that.

That’s one line I regret to have ever crossed.

I’m not like him. I’llneverbe like him.

When we arrive in the vicinity of the building, I instruct everybody to park their vehicles a half-mile from our target to eliminate the possibility of someone catching our plates on their dashcam. Walking with so much weaponry is difficult, but the possibility of getting caught and going to prison ensures that no good comes from this.

Even if I only went away for ten years, I would have nothing to come back to. I’m the pillar of this family, and without me, all operations would collapse on themselves. I need to stay out of prison for myself as well as the people I pay. So many lives would be ruined.

As we approach the building itself, it’s clear that some work has been done to the exterior based on the photos Rurik had shown me, but it appears structurally the same.

Good. That’s one less thing to worry about in a sea of possible roadblocks.

I station two men at the edge of the grass to keep a lookout while everybody else is tasked with finding the least resistant path into the house.

As if by pure chance, I can see that the window to the upstairs bathroom is already open.

Getting that high up is difficult, but not impossible, and Rurik is able to slip in through the window on his own, stealthily making his way down to the ground floor and unlocking the back door.

By some miracle, he hasn’t alerted anybody to his presence, and there isn’t anybody awake to see us.

The men filter in through the back door, guns drawn and hearts racing out of their chests as I motion them through the maze of unusual hallways and landings.

Periodically, I’ll stop and listen for the sound of an assailant, but I hear nothing.

There’s just utter silence.

Something is wrong about this, but I can’t let my gut feeling cloud my judgment. Not when Delilah’s life could be on the line.

We sweep the house at least twice before we realize that there’s nobody here.

The only thing we find is a dingy room in the basement with no windows and a puddle of semi-fresh blood on the floor.

It’s clear that Luka was here recently, but there’s no sign of where he could have gone. Even worse, there’s no trace of Delilah.

“What the fuck? Are you sure we’re in the right place?” Rurik whispers harshly to Shura, who pulls up the information on his phone again to prove that we’ve found the correct location.

“I mean, this is definitely the right place, judging from the blood on the floor down here. Goddamn, this looks even worse than I could have imagined. Do you think this is where they were keeping the girls?” Jonathan asks hesitantly, regretting his choice to inquire in the first place.

My stomach turns at the thought.

Could that be Delilah’s blood?

“Well, if we didn’t know that Luka was a coward before this, we know now. Time for us to find him. We can’t stop until we have Delilah back,” I order.

“How are we going to find him now? It was hard enough to get Regan to tell us what she knew. There’s no way she knows where he could have run off to,” Shura asks.

“Rurik, you still have Luka’s phone bugged, right?” I ask, glancing over to him, just barely able to see him in the ghostly light of Shura’s phone.