During one of my sleeping intervals, I’m awoken by the sound of Luka pounding on the door to wake us all up. He doesn’t do this every time he comes down, only often enough to frighten us.

“Okay, nobody move. I’m just here for the new one,” he says impatiently as he walks straight back to the radiator where I’ve been chained up. He doesn’t seem upset necessarily, just… agitated.

By what, I couldn’t even begin to guess. I’m hoping that Akim has found him out.

“Get up. You’re coming with us,” he barks, jerking up my arm from the floor before his assistant has a chance to uncuff me.

I open my mouth to ask something but immediately take it back. If there’s any possibility of me getting out of this alive, I can’t fuck it up by talking too much.

He leads me through the maze of shelves and walls before we arrive back upstairs. I’m nearly blinded by the light as his assistant opens the door to the upstairs, but as soon as my eyes adjust, I feel like I’m seeing everything for the first time again.

Even still, I’m shaking uncontrollably.

“Take her upstairs into the extra office, that’s where he’s waiting,” Luka orders, and the assistant responds by dragging me near the next flight of stairs.

Oh, fuck. What if this is what he’s kidnapped me for?

Is he going to try andsell me?

I want to throw up at the thought. I already feel violated and betrayed by Luka and Akim for putting me in this situation, and now I’ll have to pay the ultimate price for trusting either of them.

When the assistant leads me upstairs, I pause at the last step as I consider hedging my bets and sprinting back down to the ground floor. I owe it to myself to consider any route of escape, but everything seems too carefully planned. There’s no way that Luka would kidnap multiple women and chain them up in the basement if he left space for them to leave.

With one hand gripping my forearm, the assistant uses his other hand to pound on the door.

“Yes, I’m ready,” replies a male voice on the other side of the door.

Not good.

The door opens in front of me, and I see an older man wearing a white lab coat. When I’m pushed into the room, it appears to be set up like a makeshift doctor’s office.

What the hell is going on?!

My stomach turns in knots as I’m re-cuffed to a hospital bed.

“I don’t know what’s going on, but I’ll make sure you fucking burn if you touch me,” I snap as soon as the assistant leaves the room.

“Well, I’m a doctor, and there’s not much I can do to make sure you’re healthy if I can’t do some palpation to your abdomen at least,” he replies in a strangely clinical manner.

Wait, he’s anactualdoctor?

Then what is he doing here?

“What for?” I ask, my voice less harsh but still questioning and uncomfortable.

“It’s just the standard procedure. I’m not supposed to discuss Luka’s plans with my patients. My only role here is to make sure you’re not sick,” he responds with as little empathy as possible.

I pause for a moment, trying as hard as I can to choose my words carefully in order to extract as much information out of him as possible. It’s obvious that he’s been doing this for long enough that the surrounding circumstances of his patients are of no concern to him.

What kind of doctor doesn’t want the best for their patients?

He’s probably getting paid a stupid amount of money in exchange for his morals.

“Okay, fine, but if I feel like you’re getting too comfortable with touching me, I’m going to cause a lot of problems for you,” I reply cautiously. I figure that even if it gets me killed or hurt in some way, I couldn’t live with myself if I didn’t try to fight back.

The doctor approaches me, and at first, I expect him to perform a heart and lung examination before he hands me a little plastic cup with a white lid.

“I’m going to need to collect a urine sample before anything, just to check for pregnancy,” he states, placing the cup in my hand.