Which means that the deal will likely succeed.

“What does that mean for us?” I ask, feeling entitled to an answer since they’ve all roped me into this information that I can’t unlearn.

“We’ll all be getting paid more, that’s for sure. We might even get to set up a VIP room that only Akim’s business associates are allowed to enter. Not to mention the expanded territory throughout the city,” Shura explains excitedly.

I stop for a moment and think to myself. How much trouble am I willing to get in to make even more money? With their business being conducted mostly outside of the club, I was able to keep a low profile. With the drugs being distributed right alongside the liquor, it will be much harder to pretend I’m innocent.

But that’s the risk, just like Shura said.

“What have Akim’s past girlfriends been like? Were they involved in the business, or did he not tell them much?” I ask.

Rurik, Shura, and Darya glance at each other and laugh to themselves.

“What?” I ask, irritated.

“Akim has never really been the type to have girlfriends, at least none that stick around very long,” Rurik says with a smirk.

I feel my face growing hot. “What do you mean by that?” I ask, trying my hardest not to show my frustration with their answer or its implications.

“Basically, he’s always been kind of a player. Never kept a girl around for longer than a few weeks,maybetwo months if he really liked her. He gets bored really easily,” Rurik replies, sliding his glass over to me as a nonverbal request for a refill.

Shura must sense my embarrassment because he decides to speak up. “Now, that doesn’t have to mean anything. It’s just how hetypicallyis. Maybe he’d be different if he found therightgirl,” he says, encouraging me the best he can.

I make them more drinks as they laugh among themselves, reminiscing about Akim’s former lovers.

“Do you remember the girl who thought that Delaware was a country in Africa?” says Darya, struggling to keep his laughter in check.

“De-la-wa-ray,” adds Shura, and all three of them lose their minds laughing hysterically.

As they talk amongst themselves, I make a mental note to get on their good sides and stay there forever lest I become the topic of drunken conversation once Akim grows tired of me.

The thought of him becoming bored and tossing me to the side makes the blood drain from my face. Why do I like himsomuch?

None of the men I’ve ever dated have been anything like Akim. He’s so much more masculine and put-together than anyone I’ve been with. I’ve always gone after the preppy guys who had a trust fund and daddy issues. I could never figure out what drew me to them, and I suspect that it has something to do with how much they disgust me. Their refusal to believe in consequences is intriguing to me.

To be fair, I have had some insane times with them because of their ambivalence toward consequences.

But there’s something about Akim that makes me feel small, but in a good way. When I’m around him, I feel like he would never let anybody hurt me. It’s stupid of me to think so much about him, and I need to remember that he probably has women lining up out the door for him who would do anything for him. I can’t compete with that, and I’m sure the women he likes have just as much power and influence as him.

Beyond being a fun fling, I’m sure I’m nothing to him.

And the dread inside me grows because I think I’m falling in love with him.



It’s nearly time to close, and I’ve decided to try to get ahead on my cleaning duties for the night in order to get out a few minutes early. Akim has never had a problem with me doing this as long as we don’t have customers and I haven’t seen anybody for at least a half-hour.

While I’m wiping down the counter, I see Luka walk in through the front door, accompanied by Akim’s security staff as well as people I assume are his own associates.

He sees me, making firm eye contact with me from across the bar. Just seeing him again makes my skin crawl, but knowing that he’s seen me sends a chill down my spine, and I don’t know why.

I was always told to trust my instincts, especially as a woman, but I need to know why Akim would keep someone around who seems so untrustworthy.

Akim’s security leads Luka and his men down to Akim’s office, and before he’s out of view, he glances back at me, holding eye contact once more. He’s clearly trying to intimidate me, but for what?

What could he possibly want with me? I’m just a bartender.