Mission failed.

“Hey, I saw you chatting with Akim in there. I just wanted to make sure I talked to you before you left,” he says, speaking with an even tone but stepping into my path aggressively.

“Oh, um, I really need to get home. Just let me get through,” I reply, feeling my heart racing in my chest. I don’t have a weapon on me at all, and it’s too late for me to pull my keys out and slash at his face with them. All I can do is hope that he doesn’t want any trouble.

“Come on, just hear me out. I’m particularly intrigued by you, and I think we should sit down and talk sometime,” he says, blocking my path again as I try to slip past him.

“I’m not interested, thanks,” I say firmly.

His body moves toward me for a split second, almost as though he intends to grab me, but then he freezes. His eyes glance upward at a security camera on the side of the building. Suddenly, his whole demeanor changes, and he releases the tension in his shoulders.

He reaches into his pocket and hands me a business card with his name on it and smiles. “I just wanted to give this to you.”

I take the card, trying to read the name on the front as my hand shakes violently. “Luka Cravello?” I say, trying to make sure that I remember the name in case I’m questioned by police later for whatever reason. I have a very, very bad feeling about this guy.

“Yeah, just give me a call at some point. I’ll make it worth your time,” he says, finally stepping back.

I breathe a sigh of relief, but I’m unable to move until he disappears into a black SUV a few yards away. That could’ve gone really badly, and I don’t even have a weapon to defend myself with.

I shouldn’t go out without Regan anymore. It was a stupid idea.

Once Luka’s SUV pulls off the lot, I look down at the card he gave me again. Flipping it over, I notice how few details he’s included about his business or whatever it is he’s trying to sell me. I know not to call him, obviously, but there’s something else about him that makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up.

My gut tells me to avoid him.

Tucking the card into my bra, I take the long way to my car, trying to shake off any eyes that could still be watching me. Luka wasn’t alone at the club. He has friends.

I’m almost to my car when a firm hand slams down on my should. I jump back, nearly screaming for the police before realizing it’s just Akim.

Akim jumps back in shock too, likely not anticipating such an intense reaction from me. Still, he should have assumed that I would be startled.

“I’m sorry, I just saw you out here on my security camera, and I needed to make sure you were safe,” he says, his face embarrassed and remorseful for scaring me.

“Why were you spying on me? That’s so weird,” I reply, growing defensive. Even though I’m grateful to him for caring enough to check on me, I hate that he felt the compulsion to watch me at all.

“Because it’s night, and you’re a pretty girl outside alone? I thought I was just doing the right thing,” he says.

I feel a tinge of guilt. Akim isn’t the bad guy here. “Okay, right. I’m sorry. But I’m going to leave now,” I insist, turning and walking away toward my car.

“Wait,” Akim says, lurching toward me. “Let me walk you there. It’s not safe out here at night.”

I narrow my eyes at him but accept his request in silence.

Akim slips his hand around my waist, causing goosebumps to erupt on my arms and legs. Under the glowing street lights, they’re obvious, but I hope he doesn’t notice. It’s not even cold out. I have no excuse.

“Did you let Elliot go yet?” I ask after a moment, wondering now what happened to him.

“He won’t be bothering you any time soon. That’s all you need to know,” Akim replies casually.

“Did you hurt him?” I ask purely from the standpoint of a person with a working moral compass. Of course, I don’t care about his well-being on apersonallevel anymore; he decided to forfeit my energy when he cheated on me with my sister.

Still, something doesn’t feel right. I don’t fully trust Akim yet.

“You punched him in the face. How can you judge me for doing the same?” he replies.

So he did hurt Elliot. I guess that’s fair, but Akim could probably break his neck with a single punch. I’m worried he did something that will get him arrested.

I tilt my head up at Akim. “Well, I’m five-four, and you’re built like a tank. We wouldn’t even come close to doing the same amount of damage.”