Page 105 of City of Salvation

I squeezed my eyes shut, my hands fisted by my side as I tried to relax as much as possible.

Planting my feet to prevent us from going any further, I yelled out at the top of my lungs, hoping he hadn’t gone soft on me. Hoping he’d do what was needed.

“Pull the fucking trigger, Dex! ”

Then the world exploded.

It felt as if I were underwater. All the sounds were muffled. I could tell by the look on her face that Ryan was yelling, but I couldn’t hear what she was saying. Bodies moved, but my eyes couldn’t track where they were going, and then, in the next instant, the world sped back up.

Noise hit me like a freight train.

The last thing I caught before the world went black was Ryan screaming.

“You fucking shot her?”

I smiled as I slipped into oblivion.

I knew my man could do it. I knew he would save me.




We’d takenoff on motorcycles as soon as Scar knew the location they were headed in with Nikki.

Gunner was practically foaming at the mouth at the sight of Ryan on one, and I was ninety-nine percent sure that a bike was in her near future, even if the sole purpose was him fucking her on it.

Yuri was taking Nikki to an old warehouse that was sometimes used as a hangar for the Bratva. We assumed he had a plane waiting for him to take him out of the city before making their way back to St. Petersburg.

It was now or never.

Nikki was as good as gone if the plane took off. According to Andrei, there was no fucking way we’d get to her on Yuri’s home turf. I wasn’t entirely sure what Andrei’s intentions were, but the fucker was geared up and armed to the teeth with a fierce look on his face.

I’d be watching him, but for now, I had too many other things to worry about.

While a Harley was my preferred ride, the Ducati Kenji put me on was fast as hell, and that was what we needed tomake it to the place before Yuri. Earlier that morning, Caleb had sent Andrei’s and the Syndicate’s men to both potential locations, so we’d have people in place when the tracker sewed into Nikki’s leotard tarted moving. I was fucking glad that those four were on our side because they really knew their shit, dotting every I and crossing every T they could.

When I asked how the fuck we were going to get there before Yuri, the smirk on Scar’s face had been downright scary.

“Yuri thinks he’s a god, but he’s just another entitled man who’s too cocky to see that a woman is about to carve out his heart. I’m going to make sure Nikki gets what she’s owed,” she said.

I gaped at her, trying to find something to say to that, but the only thing that came to mind was, “Well…when you put it like that, let’s do the fucking thing.”

Now I knew what Ryan had meant when she said that Scar had this dangerous air about her. The chick was steps ahead of her mark before they knew she was after them. Like the fact that she’d hacked into New York’s street lights years ago in case she ever needed to manipulate traffic, which was the key factor in us making it to the warehouse and getting into place before Yuri and his entourage pulled up.

It was no wonder Cain was so sought after.

“Black car incoming at main gate,” Kenji said over the comms. “Their driver is shit. If I were Yuri, I’d have shot him just for driving like we were on a cruise through the countryside and not trying to get our asses out of town.”

“Kenji, wewanthim to drive like that, dumbass,” Caleb quipped.

The banter between the two made me smile despite my tamped down rage.

“They remind me of us,” Gunner said from beside me.

“Yeah, if you had a stick permanently shoved up your ass, making you constantly act like a dick.”