Sasha and I exchange a quick look, and I can see in her eyes that she shares my thoughts. Our relationship is none of his fucking business. But our silence speaks enough, and Yuriy laughs out loud and claps his hands.

"Oh, that's brilliant! Olga, did you see that?"

He looks at her, but Olga only glances at us and nods, not a single muscle on her face twitching. God, it feels like only a damn apocalypse can catch her off guard.

"But as entertaining as it is to watch you, lovebirds," Yuriy continues as if nothing and dramatically sighs, looking between us. "I can't let the Italian go. It just doesn't fit my vision, you know? Who knows what he's gonna do next, and I don't like leaving unpredictable variables in my plans."

He looks me in the eyes and shrugs.

"Sorry, Louis, that's life. Sergei, take him—"

But a sudden shriek interrupts him, and before I know it, Sasha jumps to her feet and runs at Yuriy with her eyes burning and her face bearing a grimace of rage. No! What is she doing?Stop!Adrenaline boils in my heart, clearing my mind, and I tense up, ready to jolt forward—but someone else beats me to it.

Sasha almost reaches Yuriy—who doesn’t even look that bothered by her sudden outburst—when Sergei barrels into her, pushing her off her course. The impact makes her stumble and almost fall down, but Sasha regains her composure only for Sergei to punch her in the face.

"No! Don't touch her!"

The scream comes from the bottom of my heart, and I see dark dots of rage in my vision. Like in slow motion, I see Sasha losing balance and falling on her side, coughing out blood. God, no! No!

"You fucker!" I start thrashing and kicking my guards even harder, invigorated by the fire in my heart, when I hear another scream.

It's loud and unintelligible, but I recognize Misha’s voice, and my whole body stills as I look for him in the room. What happened? Did someone hurt him? Where is he?

Only a moment later I catch the movement and realize that he's runningtoward me. Wait, what?

I don't have time to think before Misha barrels at full speed into one of my guards, forcing him to step back in surprise. It's only a momentary distraction, and the guard is already pushing Misha away, but even these two seconds give me a chance to free myself. I yank my arm out of the Russian’s grip and, without holding back, swing my fist into my other guard's face, catching him off guard in this chaos.

"Hold him, idiots!"

But it's too late. The first guard tries to jump on me, but with my body moving on pure instinct, I meet him with my fist in his stomach. The man doubles over from pain, but I hold his shoulder and grab his gun out of his holster before kicking him away from me. I hear Sergei’s steps behind me, so I turn around and open fire before I can assess the situation.

Sergei yelps in pain, stumbling to the side, and it gives me a view of Yuriy standing behind his desk. God, finally,finally, he looks genuinely furious and caught off guard. He widens his eyes and opens his mouth to yell another command, but I shoot him before he can do anything.

Goddamnit. My focus is still blurry, so the bullet only reaches his shoulder. Yuriy cries out in pain and pure rage, yelling frantically, "Kill him! Fucking kill him! Sergei, why are you lying there? Do something!"

God, he looks so sad and pathetic, and I take a moment to enjoy it. A moment that’s enough for one of my guards to bump into me from behind. It throws me off balance, and I sway forward and backward, trying to push him off me, when suddenly a gunshot pierces Yuriy’s hysterical cries—but it comes from the other side of the room.

Chapter 16 - Sasha

The first gunshot makes me flinch and blink my eyes open. The pain in my cheek and the taste of blood in my mouth have overtaken my senses, and I feel like my mind is just drifting back to consciousness. What’s going on?

I hear Yuriy’s unintelligible yelling and screaming, a rustle of clothes, some kind of commotion around the room—and then, another gunshot. This time it’s even louder, and my body reacts on pure instinct. I sit up on the floor, trying to focus better on my surroundings, and from the corner of my eye, I see Yuriy slump to the floor.

Wait, did they shoot him? Is it real?

I look at Yuriy’s body and instinctively crawl back and away from him when I see that he’s still trying to move. The gunshots are still ringing in my ears, so it takes me a moment to realize that the room is completely silent. In that silence, Yuriy’s wheezing and convulsive attempts to grab his own chest are that much clearer.

“You—how could you—”

His words are cut off by another coughing fit, but the look of his wide eyes is fixed on Olga—and only then do I realize that it wasn’t Louis who shot him. Olga lowers the gun in her hand, looking at him with cold indifference, and slowly walks around the desk to get closer to Yuriy. The clacking of her heels echoes in the silence, and I freeze as I watch the scene in front of me.

For the first time in my life, Yuriy looks petrified. His eyes are wide open, his teeth are gritted with blood trickling down to his chin, and his face looks like a grimace of pain and fear. He gasps for breath and attempts to crawl away from Olga, gurgling through the blood.

“Sergei, Sergei, where are you? Kill—kill her, do you—” He coughs again, unable to take a breath, and wheezes, “Do you hear me? S-stop her.”

But Sergei doesn’t budge, watching his father thrash around with a distant look. None of the guards moves either as if waiting to see who will win, and it looks like Yuriy understands that as well because he grunts a curse in Russian under his breath and turns to Olga. By now, she’s already standing right in front of him, looking down at her husband with no mercy in her eyes.

“Just tell me…” Another gurgle interrupts him, and Yuriy has to gasp for breath a few times before he manages to finish with a single word. “Why?”