“He’s angry. That’s good. Will make it easier to start the fight.”
Olga nods with a cold look in her eyes. “Our men are at their positions and ready to open fire as soon as they arrive.”
“Good, good.”
Ah, they can’t be serious! I look between them in disbelief before laughing out loud and attracting their attention. “Do you think Riccardo is actually going to come here unarmed? He’s not that dumb.”
“Maybe he isn’t, although I’m not sure about that.” Yuriy smiles and leans back in his chair. “But Elena will make sure he doesn’t change his mind.”
Elena? The smile falls off my lips, and I cast my gaze to the floor, thinking it over and over again with a lump growing in my throat.
Everything is ready.
Our men are at their positions.
Elena will make sure he doesn’t change his mind.
Goddamnit. It’s a trap. They want to kill Riccardo!
Chapter 15 - Louis
Shit. My mind drifts into consciousness, and I immediately wince from the burst of pain at the back of my head. What the hell happened?
I swallow and try to push myself upright, but the movement causes the pain to come back again with a rush of nausea. Goddamnit. They knocked me out well. Wait,they?I groan and force myself to sit up, leaning on the wall and trying to catch my breath. My whole body is sore, a few points pulsating with pain, and my head is so heavy I have to lean back.
Yuriy. Yuriy was here. He brought his men and talked some bullshit about the deal being over. I tried to attack him, yes, but two of his men stopped me while the others took Sasha and Misha away…
No! I grit my teeth, try to get up—and immediately flinch from the rush of dizziness. Okay, maybe I have to take it a little bit slower, but I can’t just sit there and wait till I get better. I have to find them. I have to keep them safe.
After a few seconds of concentration, I manage to get up and, slightly swaying, walk to the kitchen. Where’s my phone? I check my pockets and find it in my pants. The screen was strong enough to survive the assault, even though there are cracks spreading through the screen protector. Whatever. What did I want to do?
I lean on the wall, trying to gather my thoughts, before it finally comes to me, and I search for Riccardo’s contact. I’m not in the right shape to confront the leader of the Russian Bratva. I need help, and after what Yuriy organized this morning I think the Messinas have every right to go against him.
Riccardo picks up after the second ring, and I can hear that he’s wide awake and serious. “Louis?”
“The Russians were here,” I mumble, still breathing heavily and looking around the kitchen for water. My throat is so dry I can feel every word scratching it from the inside. “They took Sasha and…and Misha.”
I grab a glass with unsure fingers and pour in some water from the tap while Riccardo pauses to process my words. He doesn’t sound very surprised when he finally says, “Was it Yuriy?”
“Yeah.” I nod along with it and take a big gulp, closing my eyes. Damn, that feels good, even with the dull pain spreading through the back of my head from the movement.
“I see.” At the same time, I can hear Riccardo move around, his clothes rustling as he walks somewhere. “Listen, Louis, don’t worry, they’re gonna be fine. I’ll deal with it, okay?”
I frown. How is he gonna deal with it? We have to go there. We have to attack them. We have to take my family back!
“But you can’t just—”
“Trust me,” Riccardo cuts me off, still walking. “Don’t do anything stupid and wait for my call. I’ll let you know when it’s safe to come and get Sasha.”
I shut my eyes and rub my forehead. Is this because of the bruise on my head, or do his words really not make any sense?
“We have to get her as soon as possible,” I finally say the only thing that’s clear in my mind, and Riccardo sighs and pauses in his step.
“I know, Louis. I’ll deal with it as quickly as I can. Until then, keep your phone close and don’t get involved. Everything is under control.”
What control? What the fuck is he talking about? But Riccardo hangs up before I can say anything, and I growl under my breath and lean on the counter. I don’t understand it. Who knows what Yuriy has in mind? Sasha and Misha may be in danger right now—and Riccardo wants me towait.
I don’t know what exactly he has under control, but it didn’t look like control when Yuriy and his men just drove through our territory and barged into my house as if nothing. Where was his control then? Why didn’t he stop Yuriy in the first place? I scratch my nails against the counter as I curl my hands into fists.I’m sorry, Riccardo, but I can’t trust you. Not this time.