“Yeah, he said he doesn’t care anymore. He only wants to see Jacinta again.”

Oh, I guess that’s wonderful? I mean, if Dad is ready to give up on me, that’s great news! Unless it’s another trap, and he wants to kill Paolo instead. I frown. Damn, why is everything so complicated between our families?

I shake my head, unsure what to think of it, and look at Paolo, mouthing, “What do you think?”

He studies me for a moment with an unreadable expression, and I frown. What?

“You know we can’t trust him to keep his word, right?” Paolo says all of a sudden, and I blink and sit up. No, no, don’t turn him down, don’t start the fight all over again!

Matteo sighs into the phone. “Yeah, but—”

“Unless he agrees to one more condition.” Paolo straightens his shoulders and looks me in the eyes. “I will take Jacinta as my wife.”

Chapter 11 - Paolo

“You didn’t forget the diapers, did you?” I ask as soon as Louis opens the car door, and he holds up a bag with the grin of a proud uncle before climbing on the seat next to me.

“Of course not. I didn’t know what size she sports now, so I got two and three.”

He digs into the bag while I check the parking lot for any unwanted eyes and drive away from the shopping center. I hate those places—they are always crowded and provide a perfect hideout for a spy. Trust me, I know how it works. But Jacinta needed new diapers and a pack of hot chocolate as soon as possible, and I didn’t have time to stop at the local store.

I probably shouldn’t worry about it anymore, though. For the last few months, things have been smooth and peaceful on our territories. The Russian Bratva became some sort of ally thanks to Elena, and the Mexicans switched their attention to other criminal mobs on their level, allowing me to take care of Jacinta and our baby in peace.


God, she’s the most wonderful tiny creature in the universe, and I still can’t believe thatItook part in her creation. I am responsible for her life, safety, and happiness. I am her father, and the thought still shakes me to the core. But at the same time, it fills me with so much worry, love, and desire to protect her that I often lose sleep—which I don’t really have enough of in the first place—just thinking about the dangers of our lives.

Maybe Gerardo wasn’t that crazy, after all. I don’t mean his obsessive desire to keep Jacinta locked in her room and away from everyone else, of course. But I do understand his urge to be extra careful and protective when it comes to family.Myfamily.

“Oh, also, I’ve got a new mobile for Luna’s crib,” Louis exclaims, pulling me out of my thoughts, and pulls out a set of rattling wooden flowers from the shopping bag. “She’s gonna love it, and look! It has a butterfly in the middle!”

I glance at the mobile and Louis’ excited grin and turn back to the road in front of me with a chuckle. “She doesn’t know what a butterfly is.”

“But she knows it’s pretty.”

“Well, she can’t see the colors, so…”

I shrug and glance at him again, hiding my smirk. I have to admit that it’s fun to tease Louis, and with his childish excitement around Luna, it’s been increasingly easy these days. He’s always been the one to laugh and joke around in our family, so take it as my chance to get revenge for all thirty-two years of my life.

Louis purses his lips and huffs with a grumble, putting the mobile back in the bag, “She’s gonna like it, you’ll see.”

But he is a good uncle, excited and genuine in his affection for Luna, so after a moment I exhale and tilt my head toward him. “Even without the colors, the patterns can be very…engaging. Thanks, Louis.”

I don’t have to look at him to see the pleased smile in the corner of his lips.

We keep quiet for the rest of the drive home, only exchanging a few words when I receive a message from Riccardo. Even with Mexicans and Russians under control, there are still other gangs thinking themselves powerful enough to steal our money and people. But they’ve never been anything more than a nuisance, so it doesn’t really stay in my mind—especially when I see a car in the parking lot of my house.

“Expecting guests?” Louis looks at me with raised eyebrows, but I only purse my lips and grumble under my breath.

“More like a family gathering.”

Yeah, it’s hard to confuse this car with any other.

As soon as I open the entrance door with Louis just behind me, I hear Gerardo’s loud and croaky voice speaking over quiet music and Luna’s crying. “I’m telling you, you have to cover her with a blanket. Poor girl…look, her feet are cold!”

“It’s August, Dad. She’s not cold, she’s just tired…”Of you, Jacinta doesn’t say, but I hear enough exasperation in her voice to know that it’s exactly what she means. And it doesn’t take a genius to figure out why.

If Gerardo was too much as a father, he’s even worse as a granddad.