Page 88 of Shattered Crown

I prop on the edge of a desk and enjoy the view. “Now, we learn everything we can about Lai King and his inner circle. Once we figure out where he’s hiding, we’ll annihilate the Black Company from the face of this earth.”

“Damn, Daddy. You’re making me all hot. Do I get to come with you?” She looks at me with big hopeful eyes.

“Baby steps,” I smile and kiss her forehead. “You don’t want to give your husband a heart attack.”

A hand lands on her hips, and she gives me a saucy wink. "I'll have to try and keep your heart pumping in other ways.”

And she does. I’m crazy for the way her laughter fills the room, her sassy mouth, the adorable way she blows her hair out of her face when she’s deep in thought.

“You don’t have to try, Kira,” I say, my voice laced with emotion, because I know letting her go will be the death of me. Even if it’s something that can’t be avoided. “It comes naturally to you.”



“Aren’tyou a present I’d love to unwrap.”

I jump a little at Maxim’s voice as he enters into the walk-in closet behind me.

“Oh, this old thing?” I exclaim before giving myself a final once-over in the closet’s full-length mirror. I’ve settled on a shimmering white evening gown with a split up the thigh. It’s gorgeous, and even more so paired with the black stilettos I’ve chosen.

The best part is Nadya didn’t interfere with my outfit choice this time. Whatever Maxim said to her must have sunk in. She’s not exactly friendly, but at least she’s keeping her distance, which suits me fine.

Maxim's arms slide around me from behind. I lean against him, feeling the solid strength of his body. In the mirror, he cuts a sharp figure, his tailored tuxedo perfectly accentuating his commanding frame. He reminds me of Bruce Wayne, Batman’s alter ego. Ridiculously handsome and looking like all kinds oftrouble, the kind of dangerous that makes butterflies take flight in my stomach.

This is our first time going out together since coming home from New York a couple of weeks ago. We’re going to a big society fundraiser hosted by none other than Anatoly’s family, but Maxim’s head of security deemed it safe for us to go. Probably because everything's been quiet with the Black Company lately. Maxim’s men are pursuing Lai King, and it’s believed his top advisors have gone into hiding, huddling together to plan their next move.

“You can’t unwrap me yet,” I say teasingly.

The corners of Maxim’s lips curl into a wolfish smile, a glint of heat in his eyes as he studies us both in the mirror. “If I start thinking about unwrapping you, we’re never going to leave this closet.”

As if to make his point, his hands inch up and cup my breasts—they feel heavy and swollen under his touch. It’s almost too much. I close my eyes, marveling at how a brush of his hand over my skin can make me feel so many things.

I’ve never been in love before, so honestly, I don’t know how to tell if what I feel for Maxim is that or intense lust. What I do know is that his smile can completely unravel me, and the thought of a future without him makes it feel like I can't breathe.

Maxim asking me to join his syndicate after I coaxed a confession from Leung felt significant. Like he was asking me for more than this marriage arrangement. Life has been hectic, so we haven't had a chance to discuss what his offer really means. And truthfully, I've been trying to sort out my own feelings. Do I want to be here, by Maxim’s side, forever?

It's difficult to think about leaving my friends and family in New York behind, but living without the man who touches my soul feels impossible.

“God, your tits are so sensitive lately. I love it.” He squeezes my nipples to make his point.

I smirk at him in the mirror. “For your advanced age, you sure have a healthy appetite,” I tease, grinding my ass into his already hardening cock.

“Just for that, I’m going to tie you up tonight and smack this gorgeous ass of yours until you can’t walk.” His threats only serve to turn me on.

He rolls my nipples between fingers, and I release a throaty moan. It’s true. My breasts have felt more sensitive than normal. In fact, my whole body’s been more sensitive lately, and I've noticed my energy sapped even after a full night's sleep. I must be stressed with everything going on.

“What happened?” Maxim chuckles, releasing me. “One minute you’re dying for my hand between your legs, and the next you’re lost in your head. I’ll try not to take it personally. We should probably get moving, anyhow.” He swats me on the ass and then pulls away to start rummaging through his watch collection.

“It’s nothing,” I assure him. “Maybe I’m a little nervous about tonight. It’s been a while since we attended such a public event, and I know there’s going to be a lot of scrutiny on us.”

“We wouldn’t be going if I wasn’t totally confident that it’s safe.” He kisses my forehead.

“I know that.” I lean against the cabinet, watching Maxim move on to his tie drawer. It’s still ridiculously organized by color shade and fabric texture. “Remember how I messed up all your drawers a few days after we got married?” I ask, smiling at the memory.

He turns to look at me over his shoulder, his eyebrows pressed together. “I didn't know that. The maid must have cleaned it up before I could take in the chaos you caused.”

I snort. "Yeah, well, I was seriously concerned that I’d married a psychopath. I was snooping and trying to piss you off. If I’m honest, I was looking to learn anything I could about you. You were such a mystery.”