Page 47 of Fierce Vow

Standing, I slide the beach cover-up over my head, revealing a white string bikini that I chose for strategic reasons. Namely, to make Leo pant after me.

His eyes blaze over my skin before he says, “Hot damn, Aly. Remind me to send a thank you card to the owner of the yacht.”

With a loud whoop, I jump off the side of the boat, slipping into the aqua water. If there was such a place as heaven on earth, this might be it. Hot man bobbing in the water beside me included.

“Feels good, huh?” he purrs, and a shiver travels up my spine. His body gleams, and a particular bead of water catches my eye as it traces a path down the strong column of his neck.

We swim the rest of the way to the island, the waves gently rocking us, schools of tiny multicolor fish dart around my legs, which makes me giggle. The shore is not so much a beach as a sandy, craggy entrance to a cave, surrounded by big chunks of gray rock. From his trusty pack, Leo hands me a pair of water shoes which look like a cross between sandals and football cleats. It’s then that it hits me.

“There’re probably bats in there,” I say, my shoulders hiked up to my ears.

“Maybe,” Leo responds without batting an eye.

“Seriously!? This is not what I meant when I said to grovel.”

Leo throws his head back and laughs. “Still so easy to rile up, butterfly. I’m just messing with you.” He clears his throat. “Bats are nocturnal anyways.”

“That doesn’t make me feel any better. May I suggest a visit to Prada next time you’re looking for an apologetic gesture.”

“Why?” Having slipped on his own water shoes, he pulls a flashlight out of the sack. “You can buy your own clothes. Hell, you’re given a designer wardrobe every year. I’m giving you a life experience. Can’t put a dollar amount on that.”

“How do you know where I get my clothes from?” He’s right. Working as a fashion buyer, I do get a little inventory from the sample sizes or even gifted some beautiful pieces. But how Leo knows anything about the world of fashion is beyond me.

“I just assumed.” He shrugs. Leo is way too smart to just assume anything—my guess is Kira fills him in on my life. That girl loves to talk. “You ready for this?” he asks.

I bite my lower lip. “As ready as one ever is to go into a dark, enclosed space with no other human around for miles and miles.”

As soon as we enter the cave, darkness envelops us like a thick curtain, and the sound of the waves fades to a distant echo. Being in a damp cave that smells of musty earth is creepy, but it’s also kind of cool to feel so far away from the world. Like Leo and I exist in a timeless bubble, entirely our own. I like that idea way more than I should.

Leo is ahead of me but turns and waits, holding out his hand for me to take, which I do. This is not PDA for the crew, this is… well, I’m not sure what it is, but I also know I like the comfort of his big hand wrapped around mine. Just for today, I won’t question why that is.

“Hey,” he says gently, “I promise once you see the crystals you won’t be thinking about anything else.”

“It’s okay, I kind of like it here,” I admit, my fingers brushing over the rough, rocky walls as we make our way through a winding tunnel. “Feels like we can hide out from real life for a bit.”

“Maybe we can,” he says, his voice a low rasp. “I can be Leonardo, and you can be Alison. Newly engaged lovers head over heels for each other.”

My brows shoot up to my hairline. I don’t know what game he’s playing here, but I am tempted to find out. I don’t back down. “Sure, we can pretend,” I answer. “So, honey, what’s your favorite part of the trip so far?”

“I’d say the food on the yacht is top-notch. And we’ve had perfect weather.”

“We have,” I agree, playing along. “The Mediterranean is beautiful this time of year.”

He stops suddenly, and I crash into his chest. He dips his mouth to my ear. “Want to know what I’ve enjoyed the most?” I don’t know if it’s the husky growl of his voice or the way I’m pressed up against him, but I swallow hard, before answering.


“Listening to you fuck yourself with your vibrator last night.”

Oh no. No, he didn’t. My cheeks burn with embarrassment. “You heard that? That was… was not for your ears.”

He chuckles, and I feel it rumble in his chest. The chest I’m still pressed against. “I was passing by your door. It was impossible not to hear you.” Suddenly, the cave is plunged into darkness as Leo switches off his flashlight. I feel his warm breath on my cheek, his hard body aligned with mine. “And guess what, butterfly. I fucked my hand just as desperately as you fucked your pussy. And I made sure to come with you. For old times’ sake.”

I’m breathless while my pulse pounds in my ears, my nipples hard as a blade, as he holds my waist. I’m one part shocked but also turned-on beyond reason. I’m not even sure how to respond, but Leo doesn’t miss a beat. “Tell me, Aly, did you picture me plundering that perfect cunt? Filling you up, making you feel so good. Making you explode all over my hard cock.”

With the darkness as my cloak, I’m about to admit to everything. I did come fantasizing about him taking me roughly. Multiple times. I always come thinking about him, Bob might as well haveLeowritten down its side.

But before I can say all of this, he drags me two steps forward, and with one click, his flashlight illuminates the ceiling of the cave to reveal crystal-like icicle formations hanging everywhere. My mind scrambles to catch up. “What the…?” I gasp. It’s magical, and I reach out to touch one of them, feeling the smooth, cold surface under my fingers.