Page 93 of A Second Dawn

She winks at me. “Birds of a feather…”

“Were you our wife?” I point at Aiden and me. This really does sound bizarre.

“No, I wasn’t,” she tells us.

“What were you then?” I insist.

“That’s a story for another time. Dinner is ready and it would be rude letting the others wait now, wouldn’t it? What matters is always the here and now.”

With that she gets up, pulls on her jacket and beanie and heads to the door.

Ade and I look at each other and reluctantly pull apart. I immediately miss his warmth.

He kisses my cheeks and at least for a second that warmth returns.

I do love this man. Even if I’ll never act on it.

Chapter Twenty-Five


Iopenmyeyesslowly. Through the window, I take in the sliver of golden light coloring the sky against the backdrop of black fir and pine trees trailing up to the mountain peaks.

The emerging rays of the sun gradually push out the sea of stars swimming in the night sky, the moon hanging on to its watch over the land.

I love this place, this bedroom and this view in particular.

It could only be topped in one way.

My gaze falls on the woman sleeping in the bed opposite mine. Ella is curled up beneath the three layers of blankets to ward off the cold, her chest gently rising with each new breath.

Her hands are curled under her chin, her face relaxed and so goddamn beautiful. Every morning… every single morning it steals the air from my lungs.

Every day, I lie here for endless minutes watching her. I admire her thick lashes resting against her cheekbones, and smile at the way she frowns when she’s dreaming.

Then I drag my sorry ass out of bed and away from the longing to be the one who keeps her warm and safe at night.

Sometimes I can’t resist and brush my lips tenderly over her forehead. She usually sighs contentedly, increasing my yearning to slip under the covers and pull her into my arms.

I want to wrap my body around hers, entangle our legs and have her wake smiling up at me.

It will happen. We’re just not there yet.

Unlike every other morning, Ella’s eyes suddenly open, her gaze colliding with mine.

I’m greeted with a tender smile and a whispered, “Good morning.”

And yes, my heart soars. The day just got ten times better.

She sits up, rubbing her eyes. Turning her head, she takes in the rising sun peeking through the mountain tops.

A gasp escapes her. “So beautiful.”

Looking back at me, she says softly, “I can see why you’d wake up so early every day.”

Strands of her hair tumble over her shoulder, framing her face.

“Yes, so beautiful,” I repeat her words, my gaze glued to her as the gentle rays of the sun bathe her face in a soft glow.