Page 42 of A Second Dawn

As I hold my plank position, my mind drifts to the woman still fast asleep in the RV we’ve made our home these past few days. Roughing it has never been more comfortable.

Thoughts of Ella are never far away.

The more time I spend with her, the more entranced by her I become.

She completes me in ways I don’t understand, settling something deep inside me. Yet at the same time, I want to throw her over my shoulder and take her to my cave to do unspeakable things to her.

I want her so fucking much. It’s painful to hold back.

In my mind, she’s mine already. And yes, this will sound premature, but I want to marry her.

It’s quite the statement for someone who hasn’t had a girlfriend or even dated since joining the army at eighteen. But Ella is it. I’ve never been more certain about anything in my life.

Home—she’s my home.

Ella feels something for me too. Of that, I’m certain.

Her gaze rests on me when she thinks I’m not watching. And whenever we’re in the same space, the electricity between us crackles in the air.

But she’s holding back. Undoubtedly because of De Marco.

A sense of dread is hanging over me. What if I’m too late?

What if that fucking criminal has a chokehold on her heart?

In Switzerland, she said she had no idea who he was when they got together. It’s the only way he had a chance with her. Deceitful bastard. Had she known how he makes his millions, she’d never given him the time of day.

I despise him and everything he stands for, perpetuating darkness and despair in the world.

There has to be a solution that keeps De Marco permanently out of her life, a way to open up the road to a happily ever after for Ella and me.

Fuck, listen to me… road to happily ever after. Do I believe in fairy tales now?

Maybe since meeting Ella, I do.

I fill my lungs with the fresh morning air as I stretch my body out. I’m covered in a sheen of sweat, the sound of the babbling stream hidden nearby calling my name.

The water is going to be freezing, but it’s just what I need. Thinking about Ella has me fully aroused, and I don’t want to walk back to our campsite with a boner in my pants.

I stand up and, taking a deep breath, enjoying how the first light of day bathes everything in soft, golden hues.

As I walk to the stream, the grass beneath my feet is covered in dew and glistens like scattered diamonds. I don’t think I’ve ever noticed it before. There I go again, sounding like a Hallmark card. It’s the Ella effect.

But she would notice this sort of thing. She sees everything beautiful around her.

I strip off my shirt and shoes, leaving only my shorts. Without hesitation, I wade into the stream and immerse myself in its bone shattering cold.

The temperature is a major shock to my system, awakening every nerve in my body. For a moment, it steals my breath. But I welcome it, as do my tired muscles. I feel more alive than ever.

My boner has disappeared too. There’s no better cure for it at the moment.

The water dances around me, and I dip my head beneath the surface, allowing the refreshing cascade to wash away the sweat and tension from my face.

I relish in the tranquility of this hidden oasis a while longer, standing waist-deep in the stream. But after another minute, goosebumps form on my skin. Time to get out and warm up.

I lean against the trunk of a pine and let the sunlight streaming through the canopy dry my skin. This is heaven. It only could get better if Ella was here beside me, naked and horny.

A gentle rustling in the distance catches my attention, and I scan the bushes and trees around me. Being out here always comes with the risk of a wildlife encounter, and a bear attack isn’t on my wish list.