Page 210 of A Second Dawn

Ella’s eyes go wide, and she stares at him, unimpressed.

“Just pretend I had a miscarriage… that the stress of losing Tiero triggered it.”

Antonio narrows his eyes, disgusted. “Do you honestly think I will lie to my new Don? I swore my loyalty, my allegiance to the De Marco family. I will not break my vow foryou.” He grits out the last part. “Youwillreturn to Sicily.”

Ella’s face turns red with anger, her body tensing.

“The hell I will,” she shouts, shoving me hard in the chest.

I stagger backward and collide with Antonio. We both lose balance and tumble to the ground.

“Shit! Get off me,” Antonio seethes while I yell, “Ella… wait.”

She takes off and disappears around a corner. Antonio and I both scramble to our feet and chase after her. There’s no sight of her when we skid around the bend and reach the end of the corridor.

“Which way did she go? Left or right?” Antonio asks, letting loose a string of curses in Italian.

“How would I know? You go left and I’ll go right,” I suggest.

“No way am I going to let you find her alone,” he spits out.

He doesn’t trust me. I chuckle. The feeling is mutual, buddy.

The decision is made for us when a loud shriek, and then metallic clunking and smashing come from the left. Sounds like Ella ran into something and knocked it over.

Fuck. I hope she’s okay.

We follow the noise and join the main corridor leading to the outside where the SUVs are parked off to the left of the main entrance.

Being early morning, only a few people are around. Of Gualtiero’s men, only the drivers are there, leaning half-asleep against the vehicles.

When I spot Ella, she’s running through the large sliding glass door and toward the driver of the first SUV. Using the momentum from her sprint, she rams him out of the way and jumps into the car just as we run through the door.

“Ella, no!” I yell from the top of my lungs.

It captures her attention. For a moment suspended in time, our gazes connect.

Just like that first time, our souls merge in a familiar celestial dance, I now realize we have shared hundreds of times. It’s comforting amidst the chaos we’re embroiled in.

Then she starts the car and, tires screeching, takes off.

“No,” I yell again, rushing to the second car.

Antonio hesitates. For a brief second, his expression becomes calculating. But he follows me.

I grab the driver by the lapel and shove him to the side, jumping into the car.

These dumbfucks left the key in the ignition. I guess they didn’t count on anybody trying to steal the cars right from underneath their noses. Useless pricks.

Antonio is already in the passenger seat, firing off orders in Italian through the wound-down window.

I race down the road in the direction Ella took, my heart stopping as I see her car’s rear break out while she skids around a bend and disappears from sight.

I clutch the steering wheel tighter. Ella has proven she’s a damn good driver, but, as Rhia pointed out, not when she’s tired. And she’s well past that point, having had very little sleep in the most uncomfortable position.

I step on the gas, needing to assure myself that she’s okay and not plastered against a tree. As we round the same bend, we see the SUV speeding around another further ahead.

Sunshine, be careful. Slow down.