Page 204 of A Second Dawn

“Leave Tiero behind to fend for himself and likely die, and you get the girl.”

We both look at Ella clutching Gualtiero’s hand.

“Or save the three of them and let them live happily ever after, while you find another way to happiness.”

Listen to her when you reach a fork in the road.

“What would you have me do?” I ask reluctantly.

Claudette shakes her head slowly. “I wish I could tell you, Ade. It comes down to what your conscience can live with. There’s no doubt in my mind that Ella and you would be happy together… down the track.”

Her gaze wanders back to my girl. “But what doesshereally want?”

My stomach plummets toward the center of the earth, the responsibility unbearable.

“It’s a life-changing decision for all of you. The ball is inyourcourt,” Claudette says, piercing me with her eyes.


Everything I’ve ever wanted is within reach again after being snatched away from me. And I want it desperately!

But I’d sign Gualtiero’s death warrant.

The heaviness inside me grows into a tumultuous swirling. Like a tornado, it threatens to destroy everything in its path.

Can I live with that?

Can I live with Gualtiero’s death on my conscience and still look Ella in the eyes?

Chapter Fifty-Nine


Istareatmylove’s face. He’s so pale. As if his skin hasn’t seen the sun in months.

Despite his lack of color, his expression is peaceful and relaxed. It’s not something people get to see on him often. I’m the only one with that privilege, because he carries the same expression after he’s climaxed, and we’re snuggling together… my head on his chest, my legs and arms slung over him while his arms hold me close.

The rhythm of his heartbeat is soothing in those moments of intimacy. I wish I could rest my head on his chest now and reassure myself that his heart keeps beating for us.

But with all the tubes and Tiero’s injuries, that’s not an option.

So I do the next best thing and find the pulse point on his wrist. The gentle thudding against my fingertips is the assurance I need. It’s harmonized with the rise and fall on the heart monitor’s display.

“Please fight for us, Tiero. I need you. Our baby needs you.” My throat closes over, and I don’t even try to stop the tears running down my face.

The door opens and Aiden’s sticks his head in. “Antonio is here. He’s got Mateo on the phone. He’d like to speak to you.”

Mateo? How could I have forgotten about him? He’d be in the dark about how his brother is doing, given Dr. Hartley only gave me the rundown of Tiero’s injuries.

I reluctantly get up and step out of the room, closing the door behind me. Antonio hands me his phone, sitting down on a chair in the corner of the tiny space leading to Tiero’s room.

“Mateo,” I say, my voice a little horse as if I haven’t spoken in days.

“Ella, how is he?” The weight of his worry is evident in the tone of his voice.

“Mateo, I’m sorry I haven’t called you. In all the chaos, it slipped my mind.”

“It’s okay. Antonio kept me updated as best as he could. I know Tiero made it through surgery and is in intensive care.”