Page 193 of A Second Dawn

In the blink of an eye, he plummets like a towering tree, his fall sending a tremor through the pavement as he makes impact.

He’s not moving. Fuck, he’s not moving.

A puddle gathers around his unresponsive body.

I’m going to be sick. That’s blood, isn’t it?

Above me, Tiero’s body jolts, a painful groan escaping him.

Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god.

What’s happening?

Was he…? I can’t even finish that sentence in my mind.

“Tiero,” I scream. “Tiero.”

But he doesn’t answer, only his labored breath reaches my ear.

Oh dear God, please no!

The gunfire around us ceases, or perhaps I can’t hear it anymore.

“Tiero,” I yell again.

I try to move, but with his weight on top of me, I can’t.

My entire body tremors, my breathing quick and shallow.

“Ella,” Aiden’s frantic voice cuts through the chaos somewhere in the distance.

Where is he?

God, please let him and Claudette be okay.

There’s shouting and yelling everywhere. Tires screech. The next moment, our driver has the SUV reversed to give us cover with the car.

It’s all a little late.

“Tiero,” I say, frantic. “Hang in there. Please don’t leave me.”

Now shielded from the direction of the shots, Tiero’s men surround us.

Then Aiden is next to me. “We need to get you both inside,” he says, keeping his body low.

He and Roberto carefully lift Tiero off me.

“Are you injured?” Aiden asks me while he presses a finger to Tiero’s neck, checking his pulse.

“I don’t know.” The pain in my arm is intense, but I don’t care.

I turn to Tiero. His body is laying limp beside me, the suit I admired just seconds ago soaked in blood. His eyes are open but unfocused. Every breath seems to pain him, croaky moans escaping him.

My hands cover my mouth in shock, my fingers trembling against my lips.

“No!” I scream at the top of my lungs, my vision blurring.

I can’t tell where he was shot. The back? The abdomen?