“There’s that. Though I had looked forward to the experience of being snowed in. Miriam had planned heaps of fun projects. Well, and there would have been Aiden. Spending a lot of time with him indoors wouldn’t have been a chore.”
She elbows me playfully. “I bet. He looks like someone who has a lot up his sleeve.”
“Yeah. And now I’ll never know.” I can’t help but be a little disappointed. “It’s a good thing we never got that far, or this would be even harder.”
“Perhaps you two get your chance in another lifetime.”
I shrug my shoulders. Who really knows about any of this?
“I better check on Aiden. God, I wish this conversation was already behind me.”
“You want me to come with you?”
I shake my head. “Thanks, but no. That’s something I have to do on my own.”
“You’ve got this. I’m here for you if you need me.”
I give Rhia one last long hug for courage and then leave the cabin.
Of course, there’s a patrol outside, but they don’t stop me as I go down the stairs.
Tiero sits by the fire with his men, deep in conversation with Santino. When he notices my gaze on him, he gets up and meets me halfway.
“Everything okay?” he asks, his alert eyes studying my face.
“Yes, now I just need to talk to Aiden.”
I can tell he doesn’t like that idea, but he’s not stopping me. “I’ll take you to him.”
He takes my arm to make sure I don’t slip and guides me to the cabin in between the trees. Opening the door, he lets me walk in first.
Aiden is still on the sofa—unconscious and tied up. Immediately worried, I rush to his side.
“Why hasn’t he woken up yet?”
I pat his cheeks, willing him to open his eyes.
“Aiden,” I whisper.
“Calm down, princess. He’ll wake up soon enough,” Tiero says, his tone annoyed. He’s angry I’m tending to another man.
Well, tough shit!
“Is this still from the first sedative you gave him?” I hiss.
Adjusting the sleeves of his shirt, he says coolly. “No, he woke up around five o’clock and caused trouble. My men thought it best to let him rest for a few more hours.”
That’s one way to describe knocking someone out.
“I don’t like your methods,” I whisper, feeling all teary again. Damn hormones.
Tiero spots a tear traveling down my cheek and closes the distance between us, taking me into his arms.
“I know, angel. I’m sorry. Please don’t cry. Dr. Agosti checked on him a few minutes ago. He should wake up soon.”
Tiero’s voice is soft and soothing, but the stiffness in his body makes it obvious he’s struggling with me caring about Aiden.