Page 134 of A Second Dawn

“Do you want to come for me, my angel?” I nod, unable to speak. “I will make you feel so good. No one can make you feel this way. Only me. And you know why?”

I can’t answer. I’m too lost to the moment.

“Because you’re mine.”

This is nothing new. He’s taken possession of me from the second we met… though I wasn’t aware of it at the time.

In moments like these, his claim on me feels primal, and the feminine part of me is only too happy to surrender to the power he wields over me. The feminist part though…

But then he says something that takes me by surprise and takes me for a spin.

Touching his forehead to mine, he adds, “And because I am yours.”

My heart falters.

He’s never admitted this before.

He is mine.

And it’s those words that do it.

I explode into millions of brilliant pinpoints of light.

Chapter Thirty-Six


ThemomentIenteredher, my sanity dissolved into nothingness.

It had been challenged the second I laid eyes on her again. I needed her back in my arms, doing exactly what we’re doing now.

My angel splinters into a million pieces, just to be put back together by my love. It’s the most beautiful sight to behold.

Fuck, she has no idea what she does to me. Probably a good thing.

I keep pushing through her contracting walls, her pussy like a vice as she shatters into orgasm.

“Mine,” she moans, as her body quivers and shakes beneath me.

That one word proves to be my undoing.

She’s never laid claim on me before. It’s the biggest aphrodisiac.

I thrust into her faster… harder. I’m trying to hold back to not hurt our baby, but it’s a losing battle. Somewhere inside me, where there’s some reason left, I know my son is safely tucked away in Ella’s womb, that us making love, even if a little rough, won’t harm him.

Ella’s eyes open and connect with mine. Her irises are bluer than I’ve ever seen them, and with one last thrust, I let myself be swallowed up by their depth.

“Angel,” I groan as I lose control.

A lifetime of sensations runs through me as I’m lit up from the inside out. Pleasure that only Ella can give me consumes me whole.

It’s an explosion of starry bliss when I spill deep inside her, painting her pretty pussy white. If she wasn’t already pregnant, this would have been the moment we created a new life. Of that, I’m certain.

I pry her hands off my back and lace our fingers together beside her head. Careful to keep my full weight off her, as not to crush her and our baby, I bend to kiss her, ignoring that I don’t have my breath back yet. She’s my oxygen.

My desire for her stirs anew. I’m still inside her, my cum leaking around my softening cock, but I already need her again.

Ella breaks our kiss, panting for air. I roll us and tuck her against my side, pulling her leg up and over my hip. My hand caresses her back while hers falls onto my chest as she snuggles deeper into my embrace.