Page 120 of A Second Dawn

He gifts me with a gentle smile, one I’ve not seen on him before.

It makes my heart flutter.

His eyes shine with a deeper love and happiness, illuminating the room like twin stars in the night sky. The tenderness in them pierces through the layers of my defenses, reaching deep into the core of my soul. With every beat of my heart, the magnitude of his affection wraps around me like a warm embrace.

The moment is broken when Santino calls out. “Boss? Is everything okay?”

Tiero places a kiss on my lips before bending over and resting his face against my abdomen.

Kissing the spot where our child grows, he murmurs, “Papà ti ama.”

My heart somersaults.

I don’t have to speak Italian to know what it means. His tone was a dead giveaway.

And I’m a gooey puddle on the floor.

Tiero calls out, and Santino opens the cabin door to let Dr. Agosti enter before closing it from the outside.

Tiero stands to make room for the doctor, positioning himself at the end of the bed where he can observe everything.

“Signorina O’Neil, it’s a pleasure to see you again,” Dr. Agosti says, setting down his bag on the bedside table.

I sit up on the bed and nod at him, unsure of what to do next. Does he know I’m pregnant? Should I tell him? I still can’t get my head around the fact that Tiero knows.

I draw in shallow breaths, my chest so tight, I can’t seem to take in enough oxygen.

How on earth did he find out? But more importantly what does that mean for my and peanut’s future? Tiero isn’t going to let us go now, is he?

God, I’m dizzy contemplating the consequences, my fingers and feet tingling.

“Signor De Marco informed me of your pregnancy and your earlier fainting spell.” Dr. Agosti’s voice momentarily halts the panic wanting to take root.

Of course Tiero would have informed him. He leaves nothing to chance.

“Has this happened before?” the doctor asks.

I shake my head. I’m not going to admit to anyone it was a ruse. “No. I just suddenly felt lightheaded, and then… I fainted.”

Dr. Agosti nods, taking out a stethoscope and a blood pressure cuff from his bag. He checks my pulse and other vitals, methodically recording the readings in his notebook.

“How far along are you?” he asks.

“September three was the conception date,” Tiero supplies, his gaze meeting mine. It turns hungry, his pupils dilating as he remembers that night.

Yeah, what a night!

It was one for the ages and not just because we made peanut. There was so much love between us. But it got wiped away the next morning.

The fact that Tiero knows exactly when he knocked me up is just more proof that he did it on purpose.

I try to summon the old anger, but it’s out of reach. I’ve made peace with peanut’s presence in my life. Truth be told, I’m looking forward to having her.

Even though I haven’t been pregnant long, I can’t imagine my life without her now.

“So it’s early days,” Agosti says, continuing to examine me. “Any nausea, fatigue, or other issues?”

“I’ve been tired, and there’s some mild nausea at times, but it’s not too bad.”