Page 118 of A Second Dawn

I clutch the sheet beneath my fingertips as if a flimsy piece of fabric could help me.

“I’m not ready to face you yet,” I whisper, squeezing my eyes shut tighter.

The air around me stirs, then the warmth of Tiero’s hand engulfs mine.

“Please, Ella.” He presses a tender kiss to my fingers.

His voice is so gentle, I can’t help but peek out of one eye at him.

I expect to see rage and fury. It was boiling beneath the surface when he was facing Aiden earlier. He controlled it, but nevertheless it was there, ready to explode.

But none of that is present now.

I lift my eyes to his. When they connect, the breath is stolen from my lungs.

I’m transported back in time to when worlds collide and a new universe is created. Blinding love and light reign supreme.

Nothing else matters.

He moves closer, my eyes entranced by his movement. The warmth of his body is like the sun, warming my chilled skin. Going outside without a jacket wasn’t my brightest idea, but who could have thought straight then… or now?

My stomach churns and tumbles as Tiero cradles my cheek with his other hand, his eyes never wavering from mine.

He strokes my skin with his thumb, his touch kick-starting my pulse into a frenzy, sending heat to every part of my body.

“Ella, my angel,” he rasps.

Before I know what’s happening, he closes the last few inches between us, and his lips come crashing down on mine.

I gasp, forgetting how to breathe.

This is the last thing I expected him to do.

I want to protest—I really do—but the moment our lips touch, all objections fall away.

My mind goes blank… just to be instantly filled with everything Tiero.

With his essence, with his love for me, and everything I’ve missed about him since the day I ran away.

My lips respond, desperate like a wild tempest at sea, threatening to drown me under its turbulent waves. I dig my hands into his thick hair, frantic to stay afloat and pull him closer to me.

There’s nothing gentle about our kiss. It’s raw and primal, and reeking of starvation.

I realize that’s exactly what I am. Starved.

My hunger for him has been suppressed for far too long. Instinct is driving us forward now, heedless of consequences as our lips keep colliding with an intensity that makes me feel like I’m dying and being reborn all at the same time.

Our mouths move fluidly together, and he swallows each of my whimpers, gobbling it up as starved for me as I am for him.

“Tiero…” I moan into his mouth, opening up for him.

He delves deeper as if trying to swallow me whole. I want him to. Because it would mean there’s no distance left between us.

His hand on my cheek slides to the back of my head, lifting it slightly to press my mouth closer against his.

His other hand travels up my arm and down my torso until it comes to rest on my stomach, splaying his fingers wide.

My heart stops.