Page 114 of A Second Dawn

Without taking his eyes off Aiden, Tiero deliberately and methodically rolls up his sleeves.

It’s a clear attempt at intimidation, but Ade is no stranger to such tactics and responds with a smug grin.

Next to me Rhia groans and I look at her, confused.

“You have to admit, that’s rather hot,” she whispers, pointing at Tiero’s emerging bare, muscly arms.

Yeah, it is, but I still roll my eyes at her before looking back at the two men who are part of the same soul but ready to fight each other to the death.

The air crackles with tension as their eyes remain locked, each challenging the other in a silent battle of wills.

Why do they have to stir each other up more? Isn’t all of this bad enough?

My fingers dig into the hard wood of the handrail, desperate to reach out and halt this impending battle.

Tiero and Aiden slowly circle each other like seasoned sumo fighters. Each step is calculated, every movement deliberate.

The intensity of their gaze never wavers, as if trying to read the other’s next move before it materializes. Their bodies are coiled with a potent mix of tension and adrenaline, ready to explode into action at any moment.

This is all becoming too much. I’m sweating now, perspiration trickling down my back. And I’m not even wearing a jacket.

Aiden’s grin widens, daring Tiero to make the first move. He knows he’s skilled at psyching out opponents, using his confident demeanor to rattle their composure.

But Tiero, with eyes as sharp as a hawk’s, remains unfazed, his determination written across his features like a portrait of unyielding resolve.

They’re like warriors from a bygone era, locked in a ritualistic duel that transcends physicality. In the midst of their confrontation, a vivid image flashes in my mind’s eye.

The two of them, locked in man-to-man combat. But this time, they’re fighting as allies, protecting and supporting each other. They appear different, yet there’s an undeniable familiarity that resonates deep within me.

Is this some sort of flashback to a time long past? A time when these two were genuine friends, inseparable in their camaraderie? The vision seems almost unfathomable given the deadlock.

The image lingers, the whispers of a forgotten bond between them echoing like distant memories. Can they tap into them too? What happened to make them enemies? Willing to fight each other… over me.

“Rhi, we have to do something before they come to blows. This cannot end well.”

I don’t dare take my eyes off them, afraid that if I do, something terrible will happen.

The hairs on my neck stand to attention, and I sense a burning gaze on me. Turning my head, I spot Santino leaning against a tree, staring at me. He nods in acknowledgment. But of what exactly?

Is he telling me there’s no escaping this time? That much is obvious. It would take a giant miracle to get us out of this mess.

He’s probably tasked with making sure I don’t run.

I let my gaze wander back to where Tiero and Aiden are still fighting a silent battle. Every muscle, every shift in weight, every flex of their fingers is observed by the other. As much as I want them to stop this silly fight, I’m in awe of their focus and unwavering concentration.

“Rhia,” I whisper again. “What do we do?”

“I don’t know,” she whispers back. “Enjoy the show?”

“What? You can’t be serious.” But it’s such a Rhia thing to say.

“They’re kind of hot all worked up, don’t you think? We just need some wine and nibbles.”

Under any other circumstance, I’d agree with her. But someone will die if we don’t stop this.

“For heaven’s sake, Rhianna Lily Bannaghan. Don’t take this lightly!”

The frenzy in my voice makes her look over. I grip the wooden handrail tighter as she regards me. The wheels in her head are almost visibly turning.