Page 106 of A Second Dawn

“I’m—” Hiccup. “I’m not—” Sniffle. “—crying,” I push out in between sobs.

Yeah, right, that’s so believable. Still, I keep going with my totally rational explanation.

“It’s a—” Sniffle some more. “—a leaky tear duct.”

Aiden’s brows lift with amusement, and he’s trying his best to stifle his laugh.

“A leaky tear duct,” Rhia repeats, regarding me with wide eyes.

Aiden steps behind me and bands his arms around my waist, pulling me closer. “Aww, Sunshine. It’s alright,” he soothes with a warm smile, holding out a tissue for me.

He gets it. He gets me. It deepens the intensity of my tears.

To be loved… it’s the greatest gift of all. And here I am with two of the best people to ever walk the earth, and to top it off, they love me.

Another loud sob breaks free, and I reach for the tissue and blow my nose.

Rhia looks from Aiden’s arms, holding me against his body, to my face. Even through my tears, I can see the wheels turning in her head. Her eyes widen comically before her face shatters with a grin.

“It’s okay, Rhia,” Aiden says, oblivious to my friend’s assumptions as he tries to put her worries about my mental state at ease.

“It’s her hormones. They’re all over the place right now. But that’s normal.”

Now Rhia looks more confused than ever. “What are you talking about?”

Not releasing me, he steps a little to the side so he can look at me, raising an eyebrow. “Do you want me to tell her?”

I nod my head before dropping it back against his chest, still not able to speak. Rhia needs to know, or she’ll grow anxious that something is seriously wrong.

“Tell me what?” As suspected, worry now shadows Rhia’s voice.

“Well, you know… pregnant women can get a little emotional.”

A little? I can’t remember the last time I cried with so much ferocity.

Rhia’s gaze shoots to mine, her mouth falling open.

“Holy shit! You’re pregnant!” She falls into the seat next to me, staring at me. “Wow… yeah… I’m lost for words.”

That rarely happens.

“I had hoped you got away with it,” she mumbles, her gaze dropping to my stomach. “I’m going to be an aunty.” Her bewilderment gives way to awe.

Then she leaps into the air from her seat with an infectious grin.

“I am going to be an aunt,” she shouts this time.

Even Ade melts at my friend’s joy. Laughing, he rocks us from side to side, dropping a kiss on the top of my head.

Rhia falls to her knees in front of me, putting her cheek on my stomach.

“Hello little one, this is your Aunty Rhia. We’re going to get into so much mischief together.”

That makes me laugh and the tears finally subside. About time.

My bestie rises to her feet again and nudges Ade away to hug me.

“Oh my god, El. I’m so excited. I know the circumstances aren’t the greatest, but I can’t help it.