Why can’t I control my emotions better? Stupid water works.
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Frommyhideout,Iwatch Rhia tap her fingers on the table and occasionally take a sip of her beverage.
There’s a book in front of her, but she hasn’t read a single line. Instead, she stares out the window, her eyes vigilantly searching the faces of the passersby.
I’ve been observing the scene for a while, and nothing seems out of the ordinary.
Could Rhia really have made her way from Ireland to here without being detected? Only one way to find out.
I cross the street and open the door of the bakery café, its cheerful chime announcing my arrival. Joseph himself is behind the counter today and smiles at me.
“Hey man, good to see you. Glad you made it in again before the snow hits. Are you having your usual?” he asks.
I force a smile, not feeling the least bit jovial until I can get to the bottom of how Rhia got here.
“Yes, please. May I also have a large hot chocolate, along with a couple of your eclairs and chocolate peanut butter bars to go, please?”
“For your little lady, I presume?” He smirks at me. Every time we come here, Ella stocks up on treats.
“She’s got a sweet tooth,” I reply, keeping my smile in place.
Joseph chuckles. “Coming right up.”
I turn to Rhia, whose head snapped in my direction as soon as she heard the door. She smiles broadly, relieved to see me.
“Aiden, thank God you’re finally here. I wasn’t sure if you got my message. I was trying to work out how to find you guys if you didn’t show up.”
Her happy demeanor fades when she notices my scowl.
Unperturbed, she asks in a hushed tone, “Where is Ella?”
I ignore her question. “What on earth are you doing here?” I whisper, my eyebrows drawing together.
“You could endanger El’s life. Have you forgotten that De Marco is monitoring you? Do you want to lead him straight to her?” My tone is accusatory—I can’t help it.
“Of course not,” Rhia whispers back. “Don’t underestimate me, Aiden. I’ve learned a thing or two from Lex and took plenty of precautions.”
That’s at least something. “Tell me.”
She doesn’t hesitate. “Lex has given me two fake passports for emergencies, and I used them both. One for the flight, the other to travel here. I’ve been in disguise up until now, changing it up a few times.
“My assistant Julia has my phone so it’s moving around. She’s taken my place on a business trip I was scheduled to go on. But at the airport I changed my mind last minute and jumped on a flight to Canada instead. As far as Gualtiero De Marco is concerned, I’m in London for the next few days.
“So you see, I took all the precautions I could think of. I’ve been checking my surroundings the entire time and not one thing has been amiss. You’re too uptight, Aiden. You need to relax.”
I glare at her. “I was relaxed until your message came in. Does Lex know you’re here?”
“Lex is in the South Pacific. I haven’t heard from him in over a week.”
The timing of Alexander Dougal’s assignment couldn’t be more unfortunate. If he had been with Rhia, she wouldn’t be here now. As unpredictable as Ella’s friend is, I know Lex has a good handle on her.
“Look Aiden, I get you’re angry with me for coming here. But I could no longer just sit at home and wonder how Ella is doing. The uncertainty has been driving me nuts. I understand what’s at stake, and I would never endanger El. I swear I’ve been extra careful. Now please take me to her.”