Page 196 of A Second Dawn

Even when I was on the run, and we weren’t together, just knowing he was somewhere in this world, alive and well… it made my soul a little more complete.

I clutch my stomach, holding onto the only piece I have left of Tiero in this moment.

Peanut, what are we going to do if…

No! I can’t think that way.

“He’s gonna pull through, isn’t he?” I turn my head to Claudette, searching her face for any hint that she knows what’s coming.

“I don’t have that answer, darling. But I’m praying that he will.”

She’s a psychic—why doesn’t she know?

“Do they actually help? Prayers?”

“Yes. I promise they do.” Claudette’s voice is sincere, and I believe her.

So I close my eyes and do just that—pray.

I pull my knees up to my chest, hugging them tightly. What I really want to do is curl up in Aiden’s lap and soak up his warmth and support.

But I’m engaged to Tiero, and it would be inappropriate for me to sit on another man. Especially when we’re surrounded by his goons who are waiting here with us.

I want nothing to do with them. They remind me of the world I want to leave behind, of the world that’s responsible for shooting Tiero.

Do any of his men care for him? Or do they just follow him because he’s the Don, and they swore their allegiances to his family?

Santino would have cared, but he took a bullet for Tiero… that’s how loyal he was. That’s how much he cared for his leader. How could he not, working so closely with him every single day? Santino’s been with him from before he took over from his father.

And now he’s dead. Aiden confirmed it before we even made it to the waiting room.

Santino scared me so much when I first met him. He was so burly, and with his shaven head and all the tattoos covering his arms, any sensible person would have wanted to stay away from him, especially with the permanent scowl on his face. But I think his heart was in the right place.

I scan the hard, emotionless faces of the men here until I reach Antonio’s. Just like the others, he wears a mask of indifference. I study him.

He’s in his fifties, his hair still full with a greyish tone throughout. His facial features are handsome, and I bet in his younger years he was quite attractive. I’ve never met Mariella’s mother, but the good looks must run in the family. Thank goodness Mariella hasn’t inherited his character.

There’s something about him I don’t like. I rarely have an instant dislike for anybody, but this guy definitely ticks the box. It could be his eyes. They startle me every single time they land on me, examining me with a cold and calculating expression.

He’s on his phone, texting, his fingers flying over the screen. I wonder who he’s talking to. Mateo?

“Darling, please eat something. You need to keep your strength up.” Claudette pushes a plate of food toward me, but I shake my head. Just looking at it makes my stomach revolt.

I close my eyes, needing to shut out everything in this depressing room.

I conjure up images of Tiero… his proposal, the way his eyes sparkled, the happiness radiating from him when I said yes.

Was that only last night?

How did I end up here? From bliss to utter despair?

Last night, the world lay at our feet. Anything seemed possible, the future bright with endless possibilities. One bullet had the power to destroy all of that.

I twist the ring on my finger, opening my eyes to stare at it.

My throat closes over, and it’s hard to swallow around the lump forming there. Tears roll down my cheek again—I’ve given up trying to control them.

Aiden passes me a tissue, and I dab at my eyes.