“Sure.” Katie lets her head fall on Maren’s shoulder while Maren squeezes her.

“Aw, thank you. I needed that.”

The heat of the mug makes my hand prickle. “Did we wake you?”

“I’ve been up for a bit.”

“How are you feeling?”

“Okay. Tired. You?”

“I’m all right.”

I promised myself I’d keep boundaries clear. Which means not being around Maren more than is strictly necessary. But I can’t not offer her coffee and something to eat. I can’t leave her alone like this. She’ll usually eat dinner with us, but Katie and I always do breakfast—and Saturdays—just the two of us. Maren’s not on the clock yet at that time of day, and I think she understands that mornings are my bonding time with my daughter.

I hold out the mug. “Coffee will help. I was going to make some pancakes and eggs if you want to join us.”

Something flickers across Maren’s dark eyes. “I don’t want to intrude on y’all’s Saturday morning.”

“Pancakes!” Katie yells. “Daddy, can you make mine with butter and syrup and chocolate chips too?”

“Only if you say please,” Maren replies.

Katie grins. “Please? And Mare can play with me while you make them.”

Maren glances at me.

“You need to eat,” I say. “I’ll put onSuperKittiesso Katie’s entertained. You can rest on the couch and drink your coffee.”

She swallows. For a horrible second, I think she’s going to cry again. Her voice is thin when she says, “That sounds really nice. Thank you.”

“You take the coffee.” I hand it to Maren. “I’ll take the princess.”

Back at the house, I turn on the TV. Fluff the pillows on the couch.

“Sit,” I tell Maren.

“Can we snuggle?” Katie asks her.

I shake my head. “Squish, Maren isn’t feeling well, remember?”

“But I want to snuggle.”

“Then we’ll snuggle!” Setting her coffee on a side table, Maren grabs Katie and together they plop onto the couch. Maren settles onto her side, then curls Katie’s little body into hers.

Katie smiles as she burrows into the pillows. “Where’s the blankie?”

“Goodness, you’re high maintenance,” I say.

Maren grins. “Sheisroyalty.”

“Like she’d ever let us forget.” I grab the blanket from the back of a nearby chair. Settle it over them. “Anything else, m’lady?”

But Katie is already too absorbed inSuperKittiesto answer.

“I’ll have breakfast ready in twenty,” I tell Maren. “How do you feel about chocolate chip pumpkin pancakes?”

She grins. My heart twists. “I feel great about them. How can I help you?”