Page 141 of I Wish You Were Mine

All I know is my body is on fire and so is my heart.

“Yes, you like the diamond?” He licks into my mouth. “Or yes, you’ll marry me?”

I give him a playful shove. “Both.”

He sucks on my bottom lip before pulling back to dig the ring out of the box. Taking my hand in his, he slides it onto my fourth finger. He meets my eyes. “Perfect fit.”

I reach down to wipe the tears off his face. “Like us.”

“Thank you, Maren.” He rises to his feet, towering over me as he loops an arm around my waist. “For giving me another chance.”

“Thank you for giving me a life I love.”

He grins. “Wanna get married today?”

I bite my lip. “I think I do, yeah.”

“Good.” He raises his voice. “Y’all can come out now!”

A small crowd of our friends and family appear from around the corner. There are my parents, Tuck’s parents too. Abel and Riley and Lu. Jen, a beaming Katie at her side.

“Mare!” she screams. “Did you say yes to Daddy? He got you a ring! Can I see it?”

Everyone laughs. Katie darts into my arms. I inhale her smell, kissing each cheek twice. “Hey, Katie Bear. I missed you so much.”

She grabs my hand and looks at the ring. “Sparkly,” she breathes. “So beautiful.”

“Isn’t it? Your daddy did a great job picking it out.” I meet Tuck’s eyes over Katie’s head. “I love it.”

“Hope you don’t mind, but I invited a few folks to our wedding.”

Riley holds up a hand and smiles. “Wouldn’t miss it!”

“I’m so relieved you said yes.” Jen pulls me in for a side hug. “I was worried there for a minute.”

Tuck smiles. “She made me grovel a little bit. Can’t blame her.”

“Good for you, Maren,” Jen replies. “I’m thrilled you’re gonna be family.”

I don’t miss the way Abel smiles, too, when he sees Jen smiling. “Congrats, y’all,” he says before hugging Tuck.

Lu holds out a pretty bouquet of white flowers. Roses, peonies, lilies. “The event planner in me couldn’t resist putting together a little something for your wedding day.”

Even though Katie is still in my arms, I somehow manage to hug Lu. “It’s beautiful. Thank you. I still can’t believe this is happening.”

“He’s a good man,” she murmurs in my ear. “Welcome to Harbour Village, Maren.”

That village is at our side twenty minutes later when Tuck and I stand in front of a justice of the peace and exchange vows. Katie insists on being part of the ceremony, and Tuck holds her on his hip, both of them smiling at me during the short ceremony.

“You may kiss the bride,” the justice says.

Joe lifts Katie out of Tuck’s arms, and then Tuck is taking my face in both his hands and pulling me in for the softest, loveliest kiss ever. Our people cheer. Riley hoots. Mom even whistles.

“How lucky was I to be at the right place at the right time to meet you, summer girl?” Tuck asks, his fingers trailing over my tattoo before he grabs my hand.

I grin. “Funny you say that. When I first started falling foryou, I thought for sure I was at the wrong place at the right time. We were so different, but you were willing to open up to me.”

“Youopenedmeup.” He holds up his left hand, where a simple gold band winks from his fourth finger. “Now let’s go live happily ever after.”