Page 129 of I Wish You Were Mine

“A little. Baby kept me up.”

Mom hovers her hand over my belly. “Can I feel?”

Heart twisting, I smile and grab her hand. “Of course. She’s quiet right now. Or he.” I press her hand to the top of my stomach. “I think that’s the head right there. Or the butt. At my ultrasound at the hospital, the baby wasn’t head down yet.”

Mom keeps her hand on my belly. “I wish you would’ve called us before y’all left the ER.”

“I know. I’m sorry.” I bite into a slice of pumpkin bread. It’s rich, not too sweet, with just the right amount of spice. “Mom, this is delicious.”

“Thank you. Figured you could use some comfort food.”

Tears blur my vision. “I appreciate that a lot. But the hospital—it was all such a whirlwind. So scary.”

“Exactly. I would’ve loved to have been able to be there for you. Especially if Tuck wasn’t, well, fully present.”

I filled Mom in on the broad strokes last night after Dad went to bed. They picked me up from the ferry together, but I was too much of a mess to really say much until later. I also feel more comfortable opening up to Mom.

“He did just fine taking care of me. Physically, I mean. But emotionally...” I look out the window and shake my head. “It’s really like a light switch went off. One minute he was a dream, and the next he was just, like,gone.”

The baby kicks. I move Mom’s hand so she can feel it. The baby kicks again and she laughs, delighted.

“How sweet is that?” she smiles at me.

“Speaking of sweet, the baby perks up anytime I eat sugar.”

“Crazy how the sugar rush happens even in utero, isn’t it?”

Wiping my nose on the sleeve of the sweatshirt I slept in—it’s weird sleeping in clothes after all this time—I manage to smile too. “It makes me happy seeing you happy about this.”

Mom’s smile fades. “I know we haven’t been seeing eye to eye lately?—”

“That’s an understatement.”

“But I want you to know your father and I are here for you. Whatever you need, however we can help—our disagreements don’t change that.” Mom blinks. She’s not a hard ass, but she’s not a softie either, so it’s rare to see her tear up like this. “I’m sorry you and Tuck are not getting along right now.”

I finish my pumpkin bread and take the mug of coffee from Mom. “I think it’s more than not getting along. He’s changed, Mom. And I don’t know how to fix it.”

My face crumples. Mom reaches behind me to rub my back. “Aw, sweetie.”

“I love him, Mom. I really, really love him. My heart’s just—ugh, broken right now, you know?”

“I know. I’m so sorry, Maren. I hate that you’re having to go through this. Do you think it would help to talk to him? Has he reached out at all?”

I scoff. “He sent me a text earlier asking how I was. But that’s it.”

Mom winces. “Maybe he needs some time.”

“We don’t have time.” I motion to my belly. “I know he was falling for me too. I felt it. Our connection is something special, and we talked about that. If he wants some kind of break right now... like, why? It doesn’t make sense. And to put Katie through all this too...”

“It’s not right.” Mom’s mouth is a flat line. “I agree with you there. But you’ve always said he’s an excellent father, so he wouldn’t be doing this unless he’s truly terrified.”

I glance at her with wide eyes. “Look at you, defending the guy who you said screwed up my future.”

“I never said that.”

“You didn’t have to.”

“I’m just worried about you, Maren. We only want the best for you, and this? This is not the best.”