Mom’s eyes bulge when she sees us together. Dad’s gaze catches on the tattoos that peek out of Tuck’s collar.

My boyfriend is dressed up, looking especially delicious in a crisp white button-up, dark jeans, and a pair of brand-new navy New Balance sneakers. His hair is neatly combed and parted, and he’s wearing one of what I discovered to be a collection of Rolexes he owns. The clothes and the watch scream tasteful wealth. But the tattoos? Not so much. I can tell Dad is trying to work out the disconnect, a small frown pulling at the corners of his mouth.

“Well, this is a pleasant surprise!” Mom says a little too brightly as she steps off the ramp onto the dock. “Hey, y’all!”

Dad wraps me in a tight hug before he extends his hand to Tuck.

“Mark Lucas. Thanks for taking such great care of our daughter. She really enjoys working for you.”

Oh, boy.

Tuck doesn’t miss a beat. He takes Dad’s hand and gives it a shake. “Tuck Monroe. Pleasure to meet you. Your daughter is something special.”

“I’ve heard all about you from your mama,” Mom is saying, her eyes moving up and down Tuck’s massive frame. “It’s wonderful to finally meet you.”

I had to drop Tuck’s hand to hug my parents. I want to grab it again, but I’m losing my nerve, dread gathering in my stomach.

But Tuck curls an arm around my middle, making it veryclear that he’s more than my boss, and I’m more than his nanny.

I see the apprehension flicker in Dad’s eyes. Mom’s expression tightens.

“Y’all have a nice ride over, I hope?” Tuck asks casually.

Dad clears his throat. “Real nice ride, yes.”

Mom is looking pointedly at me. She clearly wants an explanation. And even though I feel like a lead weight is sitting on my chest, I have to give her one.

I have to tell her the truth, even if that means letting her down.

“So.” I laugh nervously as I glance at Tuck. “Tuck is going to be joining us for dinner. We’re, um, together.”

Mom and Dad exchange a look.

Mom coughs. “Together, as in?—”

“Mark, Leigh, I really like you daughter. So much so that I asked her to be my girlfriend.” Tuck pulls me closer. “I don’t think either of us expected this to happen, but I’m glad it did.”

My parents are silent as they look wide-eyed from me to Tuck and back again.

A pregnant pause if there ever was one. I cringe inwardly, my face going hot.

“Maren has seemed happier on the phone lately,” Dad finally says.

Mom nods slowly. “I’ve noticed that too.”

“That’s because I have been happier,” I manage. “Tuck does a good job of making sure I’m well taken care of.”

“Speaking of.” Tuck gives me a squeeze. “Should we walk over to dinner? Maren, I know you probably need something to eat.”

I paste on a smile. “Let’s do it.”

I expect the walk over to the restaurant to be awkward as hell. And it is, to the point that it makes me literally sweat.But Tuck does a good job of maintaining the flow of conversation. He asks my parents about their work, and when they ask about his, he points out homes his company built and the land they plan on developing.

Mom and Dad are clearly impressed, peppering Tuck with questions. Tuck doesn’t throw his wealth in peoples’ faces, or the fact that he has a big job at a wildly successful company. But it’s obvious he’s an important guy who’s involved in pretty much every construction site and development project on the island.

His competence, his knowledge and the calm, easy way he talks about his work, is mind-bogglingly hot. Apparently my parents are not immune to his charms either. By the time Tuck opens the door for us at Stede’s, Mom and Dad are chatty, smiles on their faces. As she steps through the door, Mom looks at me and mouthswow.

I know, I mouth back.