My turn to laugh. “How about this?You’rea ten, but you’re much younger than I am, you’re my daughter’s nanny who she’s absolutely obsessed with, and you’re warm and wonderful and basically all the things I’m not. I should’ve never laid a fucking finger on you, Tiny.” We’re at a stoplight, so I turn my head to look her in the eye. “But I don’t regret that I did.”

Her eyes go glassy. She blinks and looks away, her throatworking as she swallows. “Jesus, Tuck. You’re not a ten. You’re, like, a fucking twenty-five.”

“Says the gorgeous, accomplished, incredibly smart woman who clearly has no idea how amazing she is.”

Her face crumples. “You seriously have to stop making me cry.”

I give her knee a squeeze before sliding my hand up her thigh. “Should I make you come instead?”

“Yes. No. You’re the worst distraction.”

“Or the best.” We’re pulling into the ferry parking lot now. “How about this. Let’s tell Katie about the baby when we get home. Chances are, she’ll be so excited she’ll getyoueven more excited than you already are. And maybe we take that happy momentum with us when we meet with your parents. I’m thinking we wine and dine them a bit. Let me pull out all the stops.”

“They’ll appreciate the gesture, I’m sure. But that won’t change the fact that I’m on a path they don’t approve of. Mom got pregnant with me when she was twenty. She and dad drilled into me that I should never, ever follow in their footsteps.”

I put the truck in park. “But you’re not following in their footsteps. You’ll be twenty-three when this baby is born. Three years difference may not seem like a big deal, but it is. You finished your undergraduate degree. Your mom didn’t. You’re going to finish your graduate degree too. Point being, you’ll have your education, you have a job, and you have an incredibly successful, incredibly good-looking guy helping you establish yourself in whatever career you decide you want.” I give her leg another squeeze. “Your experience is going to be much, much different than your parents’. And isn’t that what they wanted for you all along?”

Maren angles her head, her smile soft. “You’re good.”

“I’m right. Whatever happens with your parents, I’ll be right beside you the whole time. I can’t promise to make themcome around. But I’ll try, Tiny. Not many people can resist me when I turn on the charm.”

She throws back her head and laughs. My dick surges inside my trousers. We droveKathryn Dearover. I’ll find a private place to stop on the way home. Lay this girl down and show her just how good I can be.

“I wouldn’t call you charming. But you are persuasive,” she says.

I grab her hand and put it on my growing erection. “Let me persuade you on the ride back.”

Her gaze darkens with lust. She runs her tongue along her bottom lip as she cups me through my trousers. “I don’t hate that idea.”

“We’ll be okay, Maren.” I bring her hand to my mouth. Turn it over and press a kiss to the tender skin of her wrist. “I promise.”

I walk into the house an hour later with the taste of Maren’s pussy on my lips and a bubble of excitement in my chest.

Katie is going to flip when she hears she’s going to be a big sister.

Many of her friends at pre-school have siblings. When she sees a baby at the park, she loves going to say hello. Shelovesplaying with toddlers, chatting with them in this hilariously high voice as she pats their heads or helps them walk.

She’s also going to love the fact that Maren is going to be with us for much, much longer than I originally planned.

I stop in my bedroom to brush my teeth. Maren runs up to the crofter to change her shirt because I got cum all over her. I swear to Christ this girl turns me into an animal.

It’s the most fun I’ve had since I was a teenager.

I meet Maren in the kitchen. Jen and Katie are on theporch playing with slime in the warm autumn sunshine, so we have a minute to catch our breath.

That’s when it hits me: somewhere in my subconscious, I’ve been waiting for this moment. The one where I tell my baby girl she’s going to be part of a whole new family.

She and I were a complete unit before Maren came into our lives. I definitely felt the lack of a partner, but we made it work. I made sure Katie thrived. But I was alone. Lonely. Maybe I’m projecting, but I worried all the time Katie felt that way too.

Now that Maren is here, we’re not on our own anymore. And the baby will make four. The more the merrier.

Katie will finally know a mother’s love. I know I’m getting ahead of myself here. Maren and I haven’t talked about the whole step-parent thing. But I know without a doubt she’d be up for it if I asked.

She’s got that much heart, and she’s that brave to share it.

Makes me want to be brave too.

I grab Maren’s hand. She looks at it, then looks back up at me. “I thought we weren’t going to tell Katie about us.”